The basis of market intelligence KPIs

Market intelligence is about what you sell in a market climate characterized by intense competition and constant change. These should include data on competitor products, competitor internal processes, market size, market shares, customer preferences, potential expansion areas, and marketing strategies. Market intelligence KPIs provide accurate…

29 tips to stay young and healthy

1. Eat Super Foods If you want to stay young and healthy, the researchers’ advice is: Eat Super Foods! Super Food is food that you prepare with fresh ingredients; berries, fruits and vegetables, salmon and other fatty fish, poultry and game, nuts, red wine and…

Fast Track Ivy League Admission Tips

The Ivy League is an athletic union of American educational institutes based in the northeastern United States, including Harvard, Yale, and Columbia University. Many people mistakenly believe that MIT and Stanford are members of this union. Although we refer to these institutes in this article,…