Fight household germs

Do you know that your kitchen sink can be just as dirty as your toilet bowl? Given the amount of use, high traffic of organic matter, and humidity with relatively warm temperatures, the kitchen sink is a perfect breeding ground for many germs. Most people…

St Johns Hospital Diet

As unbelievable as it sounds, I have successfully managed to lose 9lbs in 3 days with the help of St Johns Hospital 3 day diet. Looking and feeling so much better and healthier was an instant result thanks to the amazing 3 day diet I…

Florida Real Estate – Boom or Bust

In the early years of Florida’s real estate boom, buyers went crazy to see empty homes and lots for sale. Speculators bought apartments under construction, but after 2005 the frenzy died down. Price undercutting, falling sales, and property auctions were as rampant as mortgage defaults…

Best Houston DSL Service Providers

Initially, when DSL appeared as a new way of transmitting information over the Internet, it was called the “digital subscriber loop.” However, today it is more commonly known as a “digital subscriber line”, which made it much more friendly to the market and certainly easier…

Trainers in the Hotseat

Steve Mariucci was fired last week as coach of the Detroit Lions. While this was clearly a panicked move by an unsuspecting Matt Millen, Mooch was just the first of several head coaches who won’t survive the aftermath of the 2005 season. With that in…