Rental Contract Lease Option

The rental contract is one of the options offered by leasing companies that has been growing in popularity. It’s a great option for any business looking to lease a vehicle because it has many benefits that can help make your leasing experience a great one…

Networks on Instagram

There are many ways to grow your networks, connect with others, and make viable businesses while building quality relationships. Networking does not have to be in person, but can also be done through the internet, apps, and other online avenues. Social media, in particular, is…

denial of overeating

One component of addiction is denial. (Denial is a state of mind marked by a refusal or inability to acknowledge and deal with a serious personal problem.) You can go from thinking, I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine with food to, I’m not fine Constantly…

Handicapping 101: High Winds

Tulane Stadium set the stage for Superbowl 4 on January 11, 1970, as the Minnesota Vikings (12-2) sought “Kapp” ​​into their season with a win over the Chiefs. But high winds and a tornado watch during the game would play their hand in the outcome.…