If you are as tired as I am of gloom about the world economy, here is the obvious solution: social media.

Specifically, Small business social media.

As we take advantage of social media for our businesses, it is called marketing. So if we use social media to provide extraordinary customer service and tell our story in a compelling way, our prospects will become customers and our customers will become brand ambassadors and tell their friends that you’re cool and cool. suddenly you will have more clients.

Spoiler alert! You have to be doing a good job, selling a good product or service at a fair price to the people who want and need it.

The true economic recovery is very likely to come from small and medium-sized businesses, entrepreneurs who have the vision, passion, courage, and work ethic to turn their dreams into a business. A small company in the beginning. A local business, doing business with local people. Real people; you and your friends. They do it well, they treat you well and you spend part of your money with them, as do your friends. Maybe they’ll spend some of their money on you later, just like their friends.

Pretty soon a lot of real people are buying real things from other real people and we are all spreading the word through social media and after a while we all have a little more money and we spend a little more money and, of Suddenly, things are looking up!

What is the hook? Well this buying local produce means making the effort to support each other, it means buying an organic tomato from a real farmer at the farmers market instead of going to Walmart and buying a genetically modified round red monstrosity that looks like a tomato but doesn’t. does’ It really tastes like nothing because Cargill / Monsanto removed all the ‘flavor’ genes so they could add ‘never spoil’ genes. Sure, it’s cheaper, but is it worth it?

If we invest a little more in our local economy and consume a little less, if we make an effort to buy local (or at least American) products when we can, then the world becomes a better place.

As we do this and use our social media connections, our friends, to help spread the word, our town or city becomes better because we know it better, we know the merchants and shopkeepers, and they know us.

Very soon we were part of the movement: the sanity movement, the keep it local movement, the “buy less garbage from China” movement, the “demand real food, not scientific projects from giant corporations” movement.

We can save ourselves, and social media, the technology that allows us to instantly and effectively connect with many people, can make that happen.

Social media can save the global economy and give us a better world to live in, if you want, if you want to be a part of it.

I make!

Mike Wolpert / Social Jumpstart

(We are a marketing consultancy teaching business people how to leverage social media and online marketing to increase their revenue – we have some great clients and we give away great training, inspirational advice and coaching. – or inspiration, give me a call! 407,405 .3500 is my phone or email: Mike (at) SocialJumpstart (dot) com – I would love to chat)


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