If you’re like me, you don’t like spending your hard-earned (or stolen) money on the same things you can get everywhere. And I’m not sure about you, but I can’t afford $ 150 for 2 hours of theater. Even if he could, he’d probably use that same money for a weekend of DVD rentals, Chinese takeout, and cheap booze.

But I still need my live theater solution. So indie theater is my favorite hustler. Of course, it helps that it’s amazing. If you think about it, there are many reasons why independent theater (aka off-off Broadway, indie, experimental, Equity showcase, petty theater, black box theater, or whatever term someone can come up with that means “anything less Broadway “)) is the coolest form of entertainment there is.

1. It is cheap.

Many independent theater shows cost as much as a movie ticket. Of course, it also has tickets in the $ 20 to $ 30 range. But you will never have to budget or save to see something. And if you are lucky or help them, you might see something for free. Which gives you more money to eat too rich foods and drink too strong alcohol.

2. It is quality theater.

Most independent theater shows don’t have a huge budget for costumes, sets, or special effects. So they have to focus on minor details like the story, the character, and the ideas. And if you’re fed up with Dead White Man theater, many independent theater groups present original works.

3. It is intimate.

In a small space, you can sit inches, not feet, inches from the action. Of course this may be obsolete in a few years once we get 3-D HDTV surround sound ghost touch movies. But there is something about being close to real human bodies that our high-tech toys can’t match.

4. It is unique.

Where else will you find something like this? Not on Broadway, that’s for sure. It’s hard to beat independent theater for finding material that really pushes the boundaries of taste and decency or completely distorts our understanding of who we are. Not unless Kevin Smith and David Lynch made a movie together.

5. Never show the same thing twice.

Independent theater doesn’t do silly revivals. Independent theater doesn’t repeat stupid movies. Independent theater doesn’t insult your intelligence by regurgitating the same old shit. Each independent theater show is something new that will never be seen again. Each show they put on is a once in a lifetime event.

6. It could make you ugly.

Because saying things like “postmodern critique of traditional permutations of masculinity” makes you sound like you’re deep and sensitive. Being deep and sensitive is an aphrodisiac of a thinking person. And if you have a problem with drugs or alcohol, it is even better because then you become deep, sensitive and complex!

7. It is exciting.

It’s easy to get excited about theater when you can really earn a living. Or if you still live off your parents. But if you’re working for nothing but praise and peanuts, especially if the peanuts are stale and the praise doesn’t come through, that’s love.

8. The actors are real people.

I know I said 7 reasons, but I add one more because I want to give you something extra.

One of the best things about independent theater is that you get to meet the people behind the show. Hang out after the curtain call and you may well meet the dazzling hero or charming protagonist you just saw moments ago. And unless you’re a complete psycho-manic stalker, you won’t have to worry about security taking you out of the building.

How to find these things

There are plenty of sources online for finding independent theater shows. But if you’re a wage slave like me, you don’t have time to hunt them down. So the first place I go is StageBuddy.com. I really like it because I can search for shows in my area (the center of the universe, aka New York) by date, price, genre, and location. There are plenty of other places to go, and I’m sure you can find more through Google.

With that, you can have a pretty good idea of ​​how much money your friends will have to buy you food and drink. But if you’re one of those spotlessly clean guys who don’t do anything that’s bad for me, you can put the extra money in your pocket and just have a good time.


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