Author of the recently published Parent’s Guide to IQ Testing and Gifted Education: Everything You Need to Know to Make the Right Decisions for Your Child.

When some parents think of gifted or high-achieving students, what comes to mind is a child who shines in all walks of life, one who can be expected to get straight A’s in school, have lots of friends, and be a star in sports. . The idea is that if you’re smart, you’re smart and you should be able to apply your mind and talents to just about anything and do it well. The problem is that this idea is simply not true. Yes, some children and adults seem to know everything and have it all, but this is more the exception than the rule.

And when it comes to academic skills, most kids, even those who are very bright or high achievers, have a definite set of strengths and weaknesses. We all do. Think about your own school experiences. Were there classes or subjects that were easier for you, in which you felt more comfortable and in your element? How do you learn better? Are you someone who needs to read something to understand it, or retain information better when listening to a lecture, or seeing a picture or visual presentation? How about your son? Does he pass certain subjects with ease and have difficulty with others?

Some variation in abilities, including those related to doing well in school, is normal, a fact that is consistent with many current views of human intelligence. That is, intelligence should be thought of as a group of distinct abilities, rather than a global or general factor that seeps into everything we do. A child may be great at art and reading, but not so great at math or athletics. Another child may be truly creative in the way he sees the world or in the way he approaches problem solving, but has difficulty putting his ideas on paper. In other words, intelligence isn’t a “thing” we can point to, and just because you excel in one area doesn’t mean you’ll do as well in others.

For most of us, these differences are not a big deal. We go through school and life by working a little harder on things that don’t come so easily, or we learn to make up for our weaknesses by using our strengths. If we have trouble understanding the information we read, we can use pictures or diagrams to help us learn, or we visualize the material in our minds. If our memory is weak, we can learn to take detailed notes, study more often, or develop other strategies to help us remember information. We learn, often unconsciously, to adapt.

For some children, however, the differences between their abilities are so great that they find it difficult, if not impossible, to succeed in school simply by working harder or compensating. These children have a true learning disability: a persistent and obvious block when it comes to learning certain types of material. For some, the problem may involve reading, for others, math. Still others may have difficulties with written or spoken language. These are otherwise capable kids who, despite having excellent teachers, help at home, and plenty of opportunities to learn, still can’t seem to “get it.”

What causes learning disabilities?

No one can say for sure, but many experts believe that learning disabilities are the result of a neurological difference in the way the brain processes information. These differences may have to do with the number, arrangement, and efficiency of neurons or neural connections in specific locations in the brain associated with the skills needed for reading, math, or whatever task the child has trouble with.

In some cases, there may be an identifiable cause for such brain problems, such as a seizure disorder, birth trauma, or head injury. However, in most cases there is no obvious explanation. It may be that the neurological irregularity was caused by some undetected event during pregnancy, childbirth or childhood, when the rapidly developing brain is particularly susceptible to injury from lack of sufficient oxygen or the presence of toxins. Alternatively, some learning disabilities may simply be the result of a genetically inherited difference in the way the brain processes information, a “trait” the child was born with. I have heard many parents of these children comment, “I was like this when I was in school.”

what to look for

Some signs that your child may have a learning disability are:

o Seems to be doing his best, but still struggles in one or more subjects despite having a trained teacher and support from you at home.

o Shows a large difference in achievement between subjects, for example, always doing well in reading and writing, but poorly in math.

o There are obvious signs of problems with cognitive skills such as attention, memory, understanding or using language, or following directions, and these problems seem to get in the way of school success.

o Reverses letters and numbers much more often than others his age, or has difficulty recognizing words that he has seen repeatedly.

o He forgets what he learned from one day to the next.

o His teachers are concerned about his lack of progress compared to other children of the same age or grade, or feel that he is working below his capacity.

What you can do

If your child is struggling in school and exhibiting one or more of these signs, it’s time to schedule a one-on-one meeting with the teacher to discuss your concerns. Parents and teachers can often find solutions together, without having to look any further. A modification of homework assignments, additional tutoring, or a change in skill groups within the classroom are some common solutions.

If you have already tried the accommodations suggested by your child’s teacher without success, go to the next step and request a student study team (SST) meeting (sometimes called a student intervention team (SIT) meeting), a team of grade level intervention (GLIT) meeting, a brainstorming meeting, or some similar term). Schools often hold these meetings when classroom interventions are not working and other input is needed on how best to support a child.

The student study team is often made up of the child’s general education teacher, other experienced teachers at the school, the principal, and sometimes a special education teacher or school psychologist. The team will listen to your concerns, discuss your child’s strengths and weaknesses, and make recommendations that the general education teacher can implement. These recommendations may include additional services during or after school, a change in how your child is grouped for instruction, or enrollment in a structured remedial program designed to help your child regain missing skills. .

The types of remedial programs available to general education students vary from district to district and often from school to school. Some schools have a general education learning specialist or special programs and materials available for students who need additional support. And some allow general education students to receive informal or “school-based” support from special education teachers on campus. In these programs, general education students who need extra help are grouped with formally identified special education students to receive instruction in areas where support is needed. Instruction may take place in the general education classroom, or children may be pulled out one or more times per week for instruction in a special “resource” room.

If your child is still not successful despite the best efforts of the teacher and school team, and you or your child’s teacher still believe there may be a learning disability, consider requesting testing for formal special education services.

By law, schools have a certain number of days after receiving a parent’s written request for testing to respond to the assessment plan, outlining what types of tests will be used. The type of tests chosen will likely be determined by a review of your child’s records, observation, teacher feedback, and information you provide.

If your child is being evaluated, be sure to let the school psychologist know what you think the underlying problem might be. For example, if your child is showing signs of a memory problem or inattention, speak up now. The psychologist can only test in areas where a deficit is suspected, and her knowledge will help identify where that problem may be. Once the assessment plan is signed and received by the school district, the assessment team (which usually includes a school psychologist, a special education teacher, and sometimes other specialists depending on the child’s needs) has a limited amount of time , usually about two months. – to complete the tests and hold a conference with the parents to review the results and determine if the child qualifies for special education services.

Sidebar material: “Is my child “dyslexic?” This is a common question teachers and school psychologists hear. Dyslexia is an often-used term that many parents associate with a reading disorder caused by a problem of visual perception in which a child letters and words. To many educators, however, the term dyslexia has come to mean simply a learning disability in the area of ​​reading. In the same way, dysgraphia means a learning disability in the area of ​​writing, and dyscalculia means a learning disability in such learning disabilities can be caused by a problem with visual perception, but can also be caused by deficiencies in other areas, such as attention or memory.

Sidebar Material: Special education law is often complex, and there are some variations in how states and individual districts run their programs. Special education terminology and acronyms may also vary from district to district. If your child is being evaluated, she must be given a copy of the current special education laws and parental rights applicable to her state in a language she can understand. Please read this information carefully and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Your most basic right is to have a say in any decision that is made regarding your child’s education. He is considered an important member of the school team, not just an observer. The evaluation team needs your input to conduct a thorough evaluation and to be a better advocate for your child. For a more complete review of special education law and services in your state, visit your state Department of Education website and follow the links to the area that deals with special education, or do a web search using the search terms “special education law.” and the name of your state.


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