The debate over whether or not fate exists will endure because it is difficult to prove either way, although there is plenty of evidence that it is credible. Our long-term findings have convinced us of the controversial view that personal destiny exists for everyone.

No matter what we present in terms of astrological and numerological patterns symbolizing key predetermined future life circumstances, conventional science enthusiasts tend to reject it. Maybe it’s partly because groupthink is too common a trap, or maybe it has to do with fear of being blacklisted from your field because of “radical” ideas that upset the apple cart. Or it could just be because people believe what they want to believe.

“Today, we are still burdened – and, to some extent, embarrassed – by ancient myths, but we respect them as part of the same drive that has led to the modern scientific type of myth. But now we have the opportunity to discover, for the first time, turn, the way the universe is actually built as opposed to how we would like it to be built.
carl sagan

“There is no luck or anarchy in the universe. Everything is system and gradation. Each god is seated in his sphere.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The universal order and the personal order are nothing more than different expressions and manifestations of a common underlying principle.”
Marcus Aurelius

It’s easy to see why many people have trouble believing in predetermination, preferring to label unexplained occurrences “lucky.” It is an easy way out and does not require any effort. God forbid you think too much and let go of preconceived notions. Exercising critical thinking skills and objectivity, if present at all, seems to be unpopular in modern times, particularly if the findings lead to unorthodox conclusions.

Few people have spent years identifying recurring associations between the patterns in the entire astrology and numerology charts and the key life circumstances of thousands of people. But once you do this, if you are honest, you are forced to embrace the philosophy of personal destiny. Perhaps it’s easier to reject the idea of ​​destiny because belief in destiny requires you to accept the notion that you are responsible for all the circumstances of your life and that reincarnation is a universal law.

“It does not seem to me to be open to doubt that there is in the soul of man such a permanent and universal nature and order as in the material world.”
George Edward Woodberry

Research on the near-death experience sheds light on the idea of ​​destiny

An agent for a three-letter agency survives multiple shootings and lives to tell the tale, while ten of his colleagues aren’t so lucky. God loves him no more than his colleagues, and NDE research indicates it just wasn’t time to walk away from him, so he survived. Luck has nothing to do with it, but the circumstances of his life appear that way.

Possible reason for the success of a celebrity without talent

The world is teeming with more talented musicians than the current pop star, but our findings show us that the pop star may have earned recognition and abundance through past-life efforts, even if they are still largely untalented. . All the trials and tribulations of your celebrity are part of the fabric of the life circumstances your soul has chosen for this lifetime. Interestingly, his next lives may be completely devoid of fame, and in terms of soul growth, he may have a lot to learn; fame has little to do with the level of soul advancement. To the contrary, our findings show that celebrities have as much or more negative karma to deal with in this life and future lives than anyone else.

“It is better to be lucky than to be good.”
lefty gomez

“There are great actors that we will never see just because they haven’t had my luck.”
joe fish

Four other examples implying that personal destiny adorns people’s lives to make them appear lucky are as follows: a married couple enjoys a mutually satisfying lifelong relationship; a business owner manages to take his business to the top of success; a mediocre college football player makes it to the NFL and becomes one of the best in the league; a mother is eternally grateful to enjoy a wonderful relationship with her daughter.

At the same time, other equally compassionate, loving, hard-working, and intelligent people fail. Call it luck if you want, but to us it seems much deeper than that.

Not having the good karma to enjoy the specific type of success you would like does not necessarily mean that you have been a bad person in a past life. It might just not be part of your path this time.

Fate and karma symbolized by personal and natal time patterns

Our findings show that luck (i.e., good personal destiny and good karma) manifests itself in two ways: through natal and temporal (short, medium, and long-term) collective patterns.

For example, the guy on vacation in Las Vegas has great overall financial karma for life, but his short-term timing symbolizes a financial loss, so he fails to win at the tables on this trip. Because his collective natal and temporal financial patterns support enormous success throughout his life, that trip to Las Vegas soon becomes a distant memory and proves contrary to his general predeterminedness. Then there is the person who has terrible financial karma for life and wins a respectable amount during the same time at the same casino. Driven by her short-term success, she proceeds to squander her winnings and ends up in the red, a place familiar to her.

fatalism is realism

We can appreciate seeing the notion of predestination as “fatalistic” and “without promise.” For the uninitiated, it is common to think this way. But if the idea of ​​personal destiny discourages him, know that he has the ability to get what he wants (at the ego level) at least some of the time, as long as the desired outcome does not conflict with his predetermined soul path.

Also, your perspective on your life circumstances makes a big difference. For example, his destiny in this particular life might not involve a lasting and mutually rewarding sexual connection with his spouse. But you can still enrich your life by emphasizing the rewarding parts of your relationship and accepting what you can’t change (and communicating to compromise so everyone’s needs are met). Altering the way you view life helps you maximize the rewards and mitigate the challenges.

On the positive side, predetermination involves not only life’s challenges, but also its rewards. As long as you maintain a healthy attitude and work diligently, you can get the most out of your life. Our findings are clear: fated events sometimes just happen to you, completely out of your control, but other times they occur as you pursue your dreams and work toward success. In light of this, we recommend that you always strive to achieve your aspirations, no matter the odds.

“If you dig into any success story, you always find that luck was a big part of it. You can’t control luck, but you can go from a game with bad odds to one with better odds. You can make it easier.” for luck to find you. The most useful thing you can do is stay in the game.”
scott adams

“The good fighters of old first placed themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for the opportunity to defeat the enemy.”
sun tzu

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