The KDCOM.dll file is a crucial part of the Windows operating system as it allows the computer to support various different files and applications within its current operating system. Although the file is an essential part of the system, it is not without its drawbacks. We have established that the KDCOM.dll file is an integral part of any computer, however, it is known to be the main cause of certain problems if it becomes damaged or fails. It is also believed to have been the cause of many blue screen errors and crashes, which can be fatal if not fixed immediately because when a blue screen error occurs it is because certain components of a program are not responding to specific inputs and processes sent . by the computer that are necessary for the program to work properly. The following tutorial will discuss and show you how you can fix KDCOM.dll error.

The reason for the KDCOM.dll error is simply that the system cannot read, locate or recognize the file, which is necessary to keep the operating system running. When the KDCOM error is in effect, you will notice an error message appearing on your desktop as follows:

“Could not load file i386KDCOM.DLL. Error code is 7. Installation cannot continue. Press any key to exit”


“BLUE SCREEN ERROR – KDCom.dll not found”

To fix this error, you need to follow some basic steps that will identify the root causes of the error and include some troubleshooting measures like reinstalling the program and installing any necessary updates.

First of all, it is recommended that you reinstall any programs related to these problems. When trying to figure out which programs are causing the error, it should be clear because when you try to load a particular program and you get one of the two errors shown above, then you know which program is specifically causing the error. . To reinstall a program, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click Start and select Control Panel
  2. Then select Add/Remove Programs (Programs and Features for Vista and 7 users)
  3. Then find the program that is causing the error and click the uninstall or remove button.
  4. Once the program has been successfully uninstalled, restart your computer.
  5. Then reinstall the program that caused the error in the first place.

Next, you need to replace the KDCOM.dll file to ensure that the old file is not damaged or corrupted. To do this, follow the instructions:

  • Download the KDCom.dll file from the server
  • Unzip the KDCom.dll file to your computer’s hard drive
  • Go to c:WindowsSystem32
  • Locate the current KDCom.dll on your system
  • Rename the current KDCom.dll to KDComBACKUP.dll
  • Copy and paste the new KDCom.dll to C:WindowsSystem32
  • Click Start > Run (or if you’re using Vista or Win7, search for “run”)
  • Type “cmd” in the box that appears
  • Type “regsvr32 odbc32.dll” on the black screen
  • Press Enter

Finally, it is highly recommended that you scan the computer’s registry database to find any abnormalities within the delicate structure. The registry, as mentioned above, is a database that stores information in a hierarchical order, allowing the computer to search the database and locate any files that are needed as quickly as possible. However, it is possible that many files and settings located within the registry will be damaged and the structure of the registry will be altered, which will lead to errors and the speed of the computer will slow down.


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