I hope you are having a fantastic week. If you’re not, just hang on. When you keep doing ‘the right thing’, you are sure to succeed.

It is Natural Law.

Keep this in mind, though: things work out for the good of everyone, not just you. Pushing too hard or trying to force your way to greater success only slows things down even more.

So, do your best to relax and know that whatever area of ​​your life you’re working on right now (dealing with debt, improving your marriage, wanting to change careers, finding your own voice…)

Whatever area it is… success is already YOURS.

You just have to keep watering the seeds you have already planted; give them love and attention every day…then watch the results.

“We Reclaimed Our Power” with Jim Rohn, Bob Proctor and others while in Atlanta

The ‘Reclaim Your Power Now’ seminar last weekend at the Atlanta Sheraton was simply POWERFUL.

Laura and I had the opportunity to spend time with Jim Rohn (Anthony Robbins’ mentor); as Jim recalled a turning point in his life when he had ‘turned the corner’. He was 25 years old when he figured out a wealth formula… when he was shown that he can actually increase his income by 10 times, and then by 10 times over and over again.

Do you know that there are people, right now as I write this, that are making $125,000 AN HOUR? Amazing but true.

If you are increasing your income by 3% once or twice a year, you are unfortunately on the WRONG path and it will take you a hundred years to reach your goals.

And it’s not just about the money: If you’re in the mindset of receiving 3% pay raises, chances are you have the same mindset in your relationships and other areas of your life, too.

All the billionaires I know recommend the same book as the key to their path to success: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

So if you haven’t read it, I highly recommend picking up a copy on eBay or Amazon for a few bucks. If you have already read it several times, read it again. Why not?

However, reading is only part of the formula for success. You also need to ‘say your future into existence’, as my good friend John Di Lemme says. Express his goals and dreams here and now…because the power of words can get you where he wants to be…and fast.

Then of course there’s my all time favourite:


Face a fear, take an action, make something happen today.

Will you probably have “butterflies” in your stomach?
You can almost count on it.
Will be worth?


By the way, have you ever heard the expression “the sky is the limit”?

Well, it is: but only if you let it be!
Why not aim even higher?
Aim as high as you want. But she remembers:

* To make a thousand sales, you have to make the first.

* To have more love in your life, you have to choose one act of love more than the one you did yesterday.

* In order to live your dreams, you first have to DECIDE to live them… not someone else’s like we sometimes do.

* In order to have more free time, you should allow other people to help you and take over some of the tasks that consume your time.

Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham, Dan Kennedy and Bob Proctor, among many others, had to travel the road to success and face challenges along the way.

My recomendation? Surround yourself with someone who is ahead of you. Invite them to lunch, interview them, pay them to be mentors. Do whatever it takes to ensure your own success.

Ok, here’s a million dollar success secret for you: Whenever you can, ask achievement people, “What can I do to help you?”

Because helping others is the fastest path to success.

To be honest,

Keith Matthew and
Laura Roman Lopez



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