Whether you have type 2 diabetes or not, you may still be concerned about your weight and blood sugar reading. If you are in your 30s or 40s, this will apply, as often during this time these measurements start to become areas of concern for many adults. While we wouldn’t say it’s normal, it’s familiar enough to understand that there is a problem that needs to be resolved. So, here are some practical tips to help you control your weight and blood sugar and improve your eating style…

1. Keep stress low. First, let’s start with stress. Stress cannot be completely eliminated; It is a part of life. Anyone who tells you otherwise is giving you bad advice. However, it can and should be minimized, as high levels of stress cause damage to more than just your mental well-being.

When you are chronically stressed, your blood sugar level will be higher than normal. Keep stress low: Treat the causes as soon as you can and strive for a stable mindset that helps you live relatively stress-free.

2. Make exercise convenient. A great way to deal with stress is through exercise, and it does so much more. It helps you control your body weight and blood sugar while helping you feel great.

However, the exercise must be convenient; otherwise, you’ll have a hard time making it a habit. Here are some tips…

  • don’t exercise for more than 40 minutes at a time.
  • don’t exercise more than 3 or 4 times a week.

First, find an exercise you enjoy and make it your staple. Then you can experiment with something different.

3. Eat smaller portions and stop snacking. Another practical tip that you can apply immediately is to eat smaller amounts and stop snacking. Put less food on your plate or pack less for lunch…

  • do not pack any snacks. It may be hard to get used to at first, but it will and will help.

4. Eat more fiber. Fiber is the answer to eating less and feeling like you’ve eaten more. It is the best option to increase satiety. Whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are the best way to improve your fiber intake and get more out of your meals.

5. Drink more water and tea. The more calorie-free fluids you consume, the less you feel like eating when you shouldn’t. Staying hydrated will ensure that you don’t mistake thirst for hunger. Avoid diet drinks because their artificial sugar substitutes sometimes have similar effects.

6. Drink less alcohol. Most of us enjoy a glass or two, especially when out with family and friends. We do not necessarily advise against it. However, if you’re trying to control your weight and blood sugar and generally improve your health, keep it in a low range.

Don’t take any of these tips lightly – trust in the difference they will make in your life.


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