Several years ago, the mainstream media, along with other sources, came out and said that ‘fake news’ was a problem. One way to look at this would be to say that this was something that was said after certain things didn’t come out like this source and those behind the scenes wanted.

So it wasn’t that this source was really worried about people being misinformed; he worried that they had the wrong information. Some of their agendas did not come to fruition and this was not acceptable.

the perfect example

After this happened, it was said that this source had accused others of what they are. In other words, this source is the king of fake news and they realized that other sources were the problem.

This is basically the equivalent of one person accusing another of being a liar, when she herself is a compulsive liar. In the world of psychology, this is something known as ‘projection’.

A reason

One way of looking at this would be to say that they were aware of what they were doing; It was not something that happened by accident. However, this was something they had to do to protect their own image and remain relevant.

This is then very similar to how someone can use slander to try to destroy another person’s image, even if they themselves have done something wrong. There is a popular psychological term for people like this, and there are many videos about them online.

Another reason

Another way of looking at this would be to say that this source as a whole was unaware of how hypocritical they were being. Collectively, the perception that was needed would not have been there and this would have prevented them from being able to appropriate their own projections (looking in the mirror).

If this was the real reason, it could be said that it is not a big surprise. After all, for working in mainstream media, one of the qualities that probably isn’t high on the list is the ability for self-reflection.

What matters

Perhaps the most important trait, when it comes to working for this source, is simply the ability to repeat what has been said. The ability to think critically, on the other hand, surely has to be one of the lowest traits on the list.

If someone had this ability, they would most likely have to put it aside and simply accept what they are told to say. Ultimately, it will pay for someone not to have a mind of their own.

shining light

What has helped expose the lies this source comes out with is the alternative media. Still, this does not mean that this source of information only expresses what is really happening in the world.

A saying that comes to mind here is, ‘the best way to control opposition is to create it’. This reflects the view that the people behind the mainstream media are also behind many of the alternative media.

holes everywhere

With this in mind, someone can be misled by what the mainstream media is saying, and if they turn their backs on this source, they can be misled by the alternative media. Therefore, it is not about ignoring one source and accepting what the other source says.

If this happens, and the sources they pay attention to are ‘fake opposition’, they won’t be as informed as they think they are. What they know will be different from what many other people know, but it will not be more accurate.

perception is reality

Now, when it comes to mainstream media, it can be easy for someone to believe that this source has all the power. When it comes to why they would come to this conclusion, they might think about how this source shapes what so many people believe and how they behave.

This is because what this source feeds into the minds of these people ends up defining how they perceive reality. Someone like that won’t just plug into a machine and download software onto their being, but they can be, too.

turning away

However, while it would be easy to see this source as the perpetrator and many of the people who see her as victims, this is not black and white. Without a doubt, if everyone stopped paying attention to him, he would have no power at all.

If this happened, it would mean that more people would have regained their power and not allowed themselves to be victimized by this source. They would realize that while this source was taking advantage of them before, it could only take place as long as they were given permission to do so.

the key element

They would have only been able to change by realizing what was happening and they would have only been taken advantage of because they weren’t aware of what was happening. This is why so much is done to keep as many people asleep and divided as possible.

What this illustrates is that the media, and any other source that has a nefarious agenda, can only function as long as a certain number of people are unaware of what is going on. Also, by having so many people resonate or vibrate at a certain frequency, it will help hold the ‘bad’ that is ‘out there’ and allow it to exist.


For the world to truly change, it is imperative that more and more people realize the role they are playing in what is happening. However, it is not about someone blaming or shaming themselves or others; it is simply about observing how your inner world is impacting your outer world and what is happening collectively.

This will involve becoming aware of what is going on in both your conscious and unconscious mind. Going inward and facing internal wounds is not easy; it’s much easier to focus on what’s going on ‘out there’ and try to change the world.
The reason for this is that focusing on what is going on externally can allow someone to feel energized and receive a fair amount of approval. Going inward, on the other hand, will be painful and unlikely to get you much positive feedback.


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