Smokeless fuel is a form of solid fuel that does not emit smoke when burned. It was introduced as an alternative form of fuel for use in smoke-free areas covered by the Clean Air Act, such as the cities of London and Manchester. Smoke-free zones have also been introduced in other parts of the UK, including South Yorkshire, the South West, parts of the Midlands, the North West, North East England and central and southern Scotland.

Solid fuel can be defined as “a form of solid material used as a fuel to produce energy and provide heating, usually released through combustion”. There is a wide range of smokeless artificial fuels on the market today including Supertherm, Exel, Ecoal, Briteflame, Homefire, Homefire Ovals, Pureheat, Coalite Ovals, Multiheat, Cosycoke, Cosycoke Briquettes and Newflame.

Manufactured smokeless charcoal is made by reducing the volatile substance in charcoal, then grinding it and incorporating it with a mixture of fuels to form briquettes of uniform size. Briquettes are used as a power source for solid fuel household appliances.

There is also a natural form of smokeless fuel called anthracite coal. Also known as coal, it is black and shiny in appearance, low in sulfur and high in carbon.

What are the benefits of smokeless fuel?

Smokeless fuel has a number of advantages that this article will discuss below.

environmental friendly

Smokeless fuel is more environmentally friendly as it produces less CO2 emissions than regular household charcoal. This means that if you live in a smoke-free zone, you can still enjoy an inviting, roaring fire in the fall and winter months.


It burns more slowly and has a higher heat output than its natural counterpart, making it a much more efficient form of fuel.


Smokeless fuel is a hassle-free fuel alternative as it leaves little residual unburned fuel in the chimney, meaning less time is spent cleaning it. This frees up time for other activities, such as relaxing with family after a busy day at work.


Smokeless fuel can be used in a wide range of heating appliances including multi-purpose stoves, ranges, wood stoves, freestanding boilers, space heaters, and outdoor cast iron fireplaces.


Studies show that the use of solid fuel heating in general has a number of health benefits. For example, it can reduce the risk of hay fever, asthma, and eczema. Studies show that children who live in homes with fireplaces are less likely to develop hay fever than those who live in homes with other forms of heating.

Solid fuel heating can also reduce condensation in the home, which can cause harmful mold growth. Condensation is commonly caused by occasional heating combined with inadequate ventilation.


Each type of smokeless fuel has its own characteristics, but they generally burn cleaner than household charcoal.
The smokeless charcoal fire, for example, is easy to light and produces an attractive fire with good flame image, making it a very attractive fuel option for burning during cold weather.


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