Why do we procrastinate?

would you rather do anything More than just that dreaded chore… Suddenly, more mundane chores like cleaning the entire house from top to bottom become alluring in an attempt to avoid the task at hand.

Procrastination happens to all of us. However, do you realize how much it prevents you from getting what you want in life? Why do we do it at all? There are a few basic reasons why we procrastinate:

– Fear to fail
– Feeling overwhelmed by a situation.
– Too busy with other things.
– Lack of confidence in the task at hand.

How important is homework?

The first step is to identify the level of importance associated with the task at hand. How important is it to you? Once you’re aware of what’s important to you, it’s easy to identify where you should be spending your time. The first step is to see if the task is in line with what you value and is really worth your time and energy. If you decide it is important then you need to find a way to do it, if not then I suggest you cross it off your list and stop wasting your energy on something that is not important to you. If you are not sure how to identify how important the task is, you can ask yourself the following simple questions:

– How important is the result of this task to me?
– How happy will the completion of this task make me?
– How much will this task contribute to my life goals?
– What difference will it make if I don’t do this task?

These questions should help you quickly identify whether or not the task is worth your time.

Simple Life Strategy: how to stop procrastinating

Here are my top 5 tips to stop procrastinating on the tasks that are important to you:

  1. Set goals or deadlines. By setting a goal, you automatically motivate yourself to do things. You’ll notice a burst of energy appear out of nowhere when you have a deadline to work on. Tasks can often drag on because you haven’t given them a deadline and there’s no urgency to complete them
  2. focus! Eliminate all distractions. It’s easy to allow ourselves to be distracted by unimportant things: emails, phone calls, buying snacks. Don’t make excuses and turn everything off even for an hour. It can be helpful to make a mental note to focus on the task and commit to doing it. If you’re sitting, sit up straight, or if you’re standing, stand with purpose. You’ll be amazed at how much more you get done when you focus.
  3. Just do it. Anytime you feel yourself resisting or procrastinating on a task, decide not to give in and just do it. Do it knowing that you will feel a great sense of accomplishment once it is finished.
  4. Try the STING method:
    yeschoose a task
    Tlove yourself
    meignore everything else
    NOor it breaks
    GRAMgive him a reward
  5. Take small steps. If you’re procrastinating because you have a big task ahead of you, simply break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks and focus on them one at a time. If we spent too much time analyzing the enormity of big tasks, we wouldn’t even attempt half of them. We’re better off fooling ourselves into seeing it as a series of small, easy-to-manage tasks.


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