One of the most frequently asked questions I get from both men and women is “which program should I do, Doubles, Lean or Classic?”

My answer is always the same, regardless of the circumstances of the individual: Classic!

Only crazy people do Doubles (and I’m half kidding). If it’s your first time at P90X, don’t even think about doing Doubles. It is too physically demanding and for “newbies” it would probably lead to injury and/or immediate exhaustion.

During my last ten days of my first round, I incorporated Doubles into my schedule every other day, and that was just in preparation for my “After” photos. I felt it. He took something from me, for sure. The P90X is pretty tough, don’t make it harder by doing it twice a day.

So that leaves Classic versus Lean. The Lean program focuses more on the cardiovascular aspect of P90X and keeps weight (or strength) training to a minimum. And even from a cardiovascular perspective, tougher workouts like plyometrics are left out of the program. I understand that the name itself, “Lean”, implies that it is more geared towards burning fat, but I don’t think that is the case.

I base my opinion on my own personal experience as well as that of many I have trained and even more on many Before/After photos that I have studied closely.

Here’s why I think the Classic version is the best version for anyone, male or female: build muscle. For me, the first sixty days of the Classic program do a great job of “waking up” sleeping muscles and building them. Then, over the last thirty days, it’s those same muscles that finally help shed the remaining fat.

Look at it this way: think of a world-class marathon runner, and then think of their body type: long, lean, almost lean muscles, right? Make no mistake: very fit, but the body type is indicative of someone who does a long, low-intensity cardio-type workout. Now, think of a world-class sprinter and think of his body type: muscular and ripped, right? Also very fit, but a body type indicative of someone who does anaerobic (weight) work and trains in short, explosive, powerful bursts. It’s these powerful muscles they build through weight training that ultimately make them so ripped – muscles are very efficient at burning fat!

The same with a world-class gymnast! Do you think they build those great physiques by doing longer, low-impact cardio sessions? No way! They go to the gym, work out anaerobically, and engage in short, intense bursts of activity that exercise their fast-twitch muscles.

The classic version of the P90X is similar: it includes the anaerobic work (chest and back, shoulders and arms, etc.) and “explosive type” training (plyometrics) required to build the muscles that will ultimately help you “tear.”

If you look at yourself and don’t think you’re fit enough to do the classic program, I encourage you to just look at my photos from day 1: 220.5 pounds and 31.5 percent body fat! Of course you can!

Go classic – no doubt!

More about the P90X


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