I know that any attitude is a sign of overconfidence. These types of people will always be left behind in their struggle for life. They will never try to learn from others. If self-confidence is a step up the ladder of success; overconfidence will drag you down as you climb to success.

Overconfidence is one of the weak personality traits that will not allow you to scale the heights of success. Competition does not come by birth. Practice and experience improve your proficiency. Overconfident people feel like they know it all. Einstein said that ‘I know only one thing that I know nothing’. What is our position as an ordinary individual? Also these people give suggestions freely. They do not know their own shortcomings and always try to find fault with others. In any part of the world, good relations with people and their cooperation are very important for the progress of an individual. No one can achieve anything living as a one man island.

There are many reasons why overconfidence creeps into our psyches. Wealth, higher education, higher parental positions, or natural personality will make people overconfident. Our own strengths along with genetic characteristics help us reach greater heights in life. Confidence with the limits of self-awareness, continuous efforts with discipline, respect for others, self-respect, simplicity and modesty are the qualities of successful people.

So how do you know if you are confident or overconfident? Confident people always put their efforts continuously. They never stop until they reach their goals. The more they reach the goals; will accelerate your efforts. They never procrastinate and they never avoid anything by thinking of obstacles. One has to control their overconfidence to consistently achieve success.

Your knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitude will give you confidence to achieve your key result areas that will give you real confidence. This will help you understand the needs of the workplace and the organization in general. Confidence comes with knowledge as well as experience. Knowledge without experience is almost useless in the workplace. Experience without knowledge of workplace needs is dangerous and may not be helpful for organizational development. A human resources professional who does not know the importance of personality development in human resource development is not aware of the need for organizational development. Even if you have knowledge and you are not interested in applying it in the workplace, it may be delayed, but you will definitely lose your job. Overconfidence will ruin your image and good image will enhance your confidence.


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