Do you want to lose 30 pounds in 60 days but don’t know how? If so, today is your lucky day, since I will explain what you can do to lose that fat in less than 2 months with little work. That’s right, no exercise, expensive diet pills, starvation on low calorie diets, and best of all, no stress! This weight loss method is the most revolutionary way to lose weight, because instead of always fighting to lose weight, you will train your body to burn more fat than normal and at the same time become healthier.

It’s called calorie shifting

So what is calorie shifting? It’s a diet method focused on boosting metabolic function while you eat food, possibly more than you already do! You’ll see when you starve your body, as most low-calorie diets tend to reduce your body’s ability to burn fat by stunting your metabolism. Your body is always in a fight or flight balance internally, when you suddenly start avoiding calories, it causes your body to conserve and retain fat stores within the body much more aggressively. This causes a backlash effect when the diet ends as the pounds creep back on.

With calorie shifting you don’t have to worry about this, because instead of working against food, you are actively working with it to increase metabolism and burn more calories than you are consuming. Best of all, the diet is healthier because you get the nutrients you need without missing them like you would on a low-calorie diet. Calorie shifting is the future of dieting, many people are simply stuck in the mindset that they need to avoid calories to lose weight and it’s simply not true. In fact, if you look at people who exercise, those who eat more and exercise will still lose much more weight than those who eat less and don’t stimulate their metabolism, either by working our calorie shift.


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