Simply put, having a world-changing inspired goal is the difference between idly walking a path that leads to nowhere and taking a purpose-filled journey somewhere.

But before you can really consider why you need a world-changing inspired goal in your business, it’s important to first understand what exactly an inspired, world-changing gGoal is.

An inspired goal that changes the world is a clear, measurable goal that you would be very excited to achieve in the next 10 to 30 years. It is a real goal, and not just a mission statement or a wish for world peace. It’s a specific, measurable goal that you can clearly define and you can objectively know when it’s complete.

A well-constructed, world-changing inspired goal has six key attributes:

Light up your heart and inspire you deeply. When you think about it, you are instantly filled with motivation, purpose, inspiration, and enthusiasm. It simply must be charged with authentic desire within you. Without that, it’s not really an inspired goal, is it?

It is a 50 to 70% chance that you will be able to achieve it in 10 to 30 years. In fact, you may be able to achieve this goal, but it will take a lot of commitment from everyone in your business for this to happen. It’s not a sure thing, but with every ounce of focus and commitment, you can do it!

It will require you to transform and grow. For you and your team to do so, you will need to evolve, cast off fear, and embrace empowerment. It will take courage, perseverance, commitment, and inspiration to make this goal a reality. It is a goal that requires the best of you to step forward.

Pass the Mount Everest test. In other words, your goal is as specific as climbing to the top of Mount Everest. I know, you know, your team knows, and the rest of the world knows what it means to climb to the top of Mount Everest. The same should be true for your goal. Specific, measurable, achievable, understandable, definable. It is by no means subjective. If you state your goal and people don’t clearly understand what you mean by it, then you don’t pass the Mount Everest test and it’s not a truly inspired, world-changing goal. You should be able to tell your friend what your world-changing inspired goal is, and she should be able to tell others easily, and in her own words, what your goal is.

It involves more than you. This is what makes “the world change.” Somehow, one world-changing inspired goal benefits another. It transcends the self in some way and paves the way for its inner fulfillment to meet the needs of the world in some way. Inherent in the goal are benefits to others, which may include your customers, your employees, your family, your community, the environment, a specific group of people, or a social cause.

It is profound but simple. You can say it in 20 words or less. It is not loaded with descriptions, prepositional phrases, adjectives, etc. It is clear and simple: “my goal is to climb to the top of Mount Everest.” No other colorful expressions are needed to describe it.

Here are some examples of what a world-changing inspired goal is not:

To bring peace to the world. (Fault # 2 and # 4 from above).

Sell ​​my product to 300 million women. (Unless it’s Procter & Gamble, it’s probably failing # 2 from above.)

Inspire people around the world with a feeling of hope, possibility, joy, and fulfillment. (Fault # 2, # 4 and # 6 from above).

Generate $ 25 million in annual revenue. (Failure # 5.)

Have 5 clients consistently and increase annual revenue by 10%. (Sorry, but this isn’t that inspiring! The numbers 1, 2, and 3 above are likely to fail.)

Here are some examples of what a world-changing inspired goal is:

Pass a bill in Congress that implements the Department of Peace in the Executive Branch of the US Government.

Attract 1,000 new customers each month and enroll them in the purchase of an ABC Co. product or service.

Open a Wellness University that offers at least 10 unique certificate programs.

Build a retreat center that caters for 10,000 guests a year.

Being named one of Fortune Magazine’s Best Companies to Work For.

To take 1000 artists on a Spiritual Discovery Tour.

Give $ 1 million to charity (based on a 10% tithe rate).

So now that you understand what an inspiring and world-changing goal is, here are the top ten reasons why having one in your business is imperative:

Reason one: it’s the bowels of your vision. Every successful company has a clear vision of where it is going. An inspired world-changing goal lies at the heart of that vision, making it more real, clear, and powerful.

Second reason: it becomes your north star. Most companies are heading toward short-term goals, but who knows if those short-term initiatives really go in the direction of your larger vision? Until you have an inspired goal that changes the world, you will be headed for nowhere.

Third reason: it is the basis of your business plan. Once you have a well-built, inspired, world-changing goal, then it’s easy to build milestones that lead to it. Your milestones become the focus of your short-term and long-term business planning. With a world-changing inspired goal, you have something specific to start charting your progress.

Reason four: it helps you make clear decisions. Each choice will take you one step closer or one step further from your goal. By having an inspired world-changing goal, you have a litmus test or calibration system to determine the best path for your business. It helps you determine which markets to focus on, which products to develop, which channels to leverage, and which partners to attract.

Fifth reason: it inspires you every step of the way. Without an inspired, world-changing goal, it’s easy to forget why you started your business in the first place. Getting lost in the minutiae and getting sucked into the rut, it’s easy to lose perspective, momentum, and inspiration. But with a clear, simple, inspired, world-changing goal, you are empowered with a glowing reminder of what your journey is all about. And that is inspiring.

Sixth reason: you are assured of compliance. Too often, business owners pursue goals that sound reasonable, logical, and prudent; But these goals often fail to produce the feelings of joy, fulfillment, purpose, and higher purpose that business owners long for. By following the path of a world-changing inspired goal, your spirit aligns with what you deeply long for, and thus feelings of realization, self-actualization, and real satisfaction are finally available along the way.

Reason seven: it’s more attractive than you can possibly imagine. When you are in great aspirations and achievements, everything about your business resonates, vibrates at that higher level. High frequency sentiments combined with the clarity of a specific goal give you the exact ingredients to make your business a magnet for success.

Reason Eight: Others will be inspired to help you. When you are doing great things, others will be inspired by what you are doing and will automatically feel compelled to help you. An inspired, world-changing goal not only generates buy-in from your employees, but also builds loyalty and trust from your customers and partners.

Reason 9: It keeps you aligned with your highest path. Because your inspired world-changing goal is based on something that lights up your heart and inspires you to the core, it is, by definition, aligned with your highest path. Giving yourself an inspired, world-changing goal ensures that your business is an instrument for divine good. I can’t imagine anything more empowering than that. You may?

Ten reason: success becomes automatic. By taking constant and steady action in the direction of your heart’s deepest desires, you are essentially choosing to work with the flow of the universe and all of its abundance. Success, by any definition, becomes automatic and effortless. Your only job is to stay focused, inspired, and committed to the goal at hand.

In fact, having an inspired, world-changing goal at the base of your business can pay you back a lot. But don’t take my word for it. Experience it for yourself today.

Copyright 2005 Coco Fossland


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