Dumbbells are one of the most useful and versatile pieces of exercise equipment you can own. They can be used to effectively train any part of the body and are ideal for anyone, regardless of skill level, age, training ability, or fitness goals.

A good set of dumbbells is all you need to achieve your fitness goals in the privacy and comfort of your own home. They offer significant cost savings compared to a gym membership, plus you don’t have to spend time or gas getting there. And with dumbbells there’s no need to spend thousands of dollars on fancy, high-tech fitness machines advertised on TV or in magazines.

When buying dumbbells you have to do it right. It’s easy to end up spending a lot more money on dumbbells than necessary to avoid having your homework stolen.

In the past, dumbbells were basically little more than metal bars with a pair of iron weights on the sides. Functional, yes, but the old-style dumbbells weren’t particularly suitable for the average home gym. Not only were they unsightly, but storage was often an issue and they were also prone to rolling and generally getting in the way. Today, however, there is a wide variety of styles, shapes, and weights.

First of all, today’s dumbbells are available with fixed and variable weights. Variable varieties have a clamp or screw-type attachment at the ends of the bar to hold the weights in place. Variable-style dumbbells generally support up to around 50 pounds, making them ideal for the person with somewhat aggressive fitness goals. For beginners or people who are primarily looking to tone their bodies or perhaps just lose a few pounds, fixed weight dumbbells may be the best option.

Fixed-weight dumbbells are available in a wide variety of styles and colors. The weights are often hexagonal or octagon shaped to reduce the chance of them rolling. Also, on many of the varieties developed specifically for the home, the weights are covered in rubber or vinyl, greatly reducing the risk of damaging your floor or furniture when you set them down.

For the person who travels frequently and wants to be able to exercise in their hotel room, aquatic dumbbells may be the right piece of equipment for you. When empty, these innovative dumbbells weigh just a few ounces, take up minimal space, and fit easily into a briefcase or duffel bag. To use them, simply fill them with water and you’re ready to exercise. They range in weight up to a maximum of around 16 pounds.

Before you rush out and buy a set of dumbbells, take some time to think about your goals, where you’ll be exercising, and where you’ll store them, especially if you live in a condo or apartment with limited space.

If your goal is to get generally fit or toned, then you won’t want a lot of weight, up to around 12 pounds for women and maybe up to 20 pounds for men. However, you will want a few different increments of weight so that you can vary your workouts. For women and seniors, two-pound increments are ideal; for men, five pound increments should work just fine.

So once you’ve made those decisions, you can begin your search for the right dumbbells for you. My first rule of thumb is this: keep it simple. Start small, establish a base, and upgrade from there if necessary.

You might consider buying your first set of used dumbbells. There are plenty of people who bought good dumbbells only to have them used as doorstops six months later. Take advantage of their lack of commitment and enjoy the savings.

Depending on the style, quantity, and where you buy them, a new set of dumbbells can cost anywhere from $1 per pound to about $2.50 per pound. You can sometimes find deals online, but keep in mind that the weights can be expensive to ship. We’ve seen some competitive pricing on a computer site called TheBenchPress.com. There is a link in the left navigation column titled “Weights.” It pays to compare prices before buying.

On the other hand, a set of used dumbbells can cost as little as 25 cents a pound to perhaps 50 cents a pound. You can find great deals on used dumbbells by scanning classified ads. If there is a store in your area that sells used fitness equipment, you should check that out as well; Don’t forget thrift stores and yard sales too.

You are now equipped with the basic information you need to set up your own home gym with dumbbells that are right for your needs and goals, and without getting ripped off. Stay tuned for the next lesson where we will reveal the best space saving dumbbell set!


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