Gang stalking is a systematic form of severe harassment carried out by multiple people against a target. Traditionally, people think of a “bully” as one perpetrator, while gang bullying involves multiple perpetrators using various techniques to severely annoy or make a target conform to the so-called rules of society. Common methods used by perpetrators include following the target on foot, by car, and on public transportation, crowding the target’s space in a public place, muttering insults under your breath so that only the target can hear, sitting in the car outside of the target’s residence, starting “fights” in public with the target, doing “spoofs” on the street involving certain information that only the target should know but has been discovered through surveillance of the target, stealing and vandalizing possessions of the target, creating and spreading false rumors about a target, slandering the target, taking pictures or videotaping the target, harming the target’s pets, tapping the target’s phone, and tampering with mail. The family of the target may also be a victim of gang harassment.

Organized stalking is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to reduce a person’s quality of life so that they have a nervous breakdown, are incarcerated, institutionalized, experience constant mental, emotional or physical pain, become be homeless and/or commit suicide. This is done using well-orchestrated accusations, lies, rumors, false investigations, set-ups, traps, trumped-up charges, intimidation, overt or covert threats, vandalism, theft, sabotage, torture, humiliation, emotional terror, and general bullying. It is a “grouping” of community members who follow an organizer and engage in systematic “terrorizing” an individual.

Organized stalking gang members are given the names of the targets or have the target identified. They usually don’t know the target in advance and gang stalkers are also closely connected to stalking groups in other communities.

Gang stalking groups are not youth gangs, races, bikers, or mobsters. Other interchangeable terms used for “gang bullying” include: group bullying, community bullying (supervised local bullying over a wide area), cause bullying (bullies use a “cause” for recruitment), mobbing (organized bullying in the workplace) and street theater (harassment skits made in full view of the target in the community). Some victims of organized stalking claim that they are also victims of electronic harassment, including: electronic stalking, electronic assault, directed energy weapons (“DEW”), non-lethal weapons, mind control (electronic devices that go through the wall can affect the mind) and voice. to the skull (US Army designation “V2K”).

Not all victims will experience the same methods of harassment; some victims are more or less harassed, and some by certain techniques and others not. Victims, or targets, are commonly chosen because they are: government/corporate whistleblowers, involved in an inheritance dispute, going through a hostile divorce, witnessing a crime, seeing something they weren’t supposed to, being a talk show host who tell the truth or live an alternative lifestyle. Other victims simply don’t know why they were chosen.

The United States Department of Justice collected data and reported the results on stalking by teams or groups of individuals. [U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of the General Counsel (Office of Justice Programs, F.O.I.A. No. 10-000169, Source: Office of the General Counsel, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice) via Wikimedia Commons].

Skeptics of gang stalking point fingers at the target claiming that he/she is delusional or paranoid, thus furthering the goals of the perpetrators. Victims of gang stalking readily report that law enforcement will ignore their pleas for help and will, in fact, participate in gang stalking along with firefighters, various utility workers, and post office employees.


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