Serving as a catalyst for change in different aspects of the modern business landscape, the global IT industry has grown by leaps and bounds in the past two decades and has witnessed enough innovations in more than one sector. However, it is also a harsh reality that the evolution in the field of IT has also led to increasing cyber risk, which poses a serious threat to the sensitive information and data of consumers, businesses and governments across the globe. planet. Cybercriminals have become even more sophisticated, skilled, and collaborative these days, which has only enhanced the severity, size, and complexity of cyberthreats around the world. While commercial organizations are investing in and adopting new and unique information security solutions, cybercriminals are developing even better techniques to circumvent and overcome them.

To combat cyberthreats in today’s world, it has become much more than just a necessity for companies to broaden their risk management focus from information availability, integrity, and confidentiality to include threats such as goodwill. , reputation and customer channels, and identify the unintended consequences of various activities in cyberspace. Information security professionals and business organizations need to keep up with the latest trends to ensure proper and efficient information security.

Below are some of the hottest trends that are positively affecting the future of information security:

  • Being proactive instead of reactive:

In addition to focusing on external attacks, it’s critical for modern organizations to think outside the box to minimize the chances of internal attacks. Insiders can be equally liable either through malice or even lack of knowledge. As businesses adopt cloud computing technology for more and more services, IT departments find it difficult to exercise the same level of control. There is also a potential risk of workers circumventing security systems and protocols in operations. To get rid of such risks and threats, IT departments need to implement new and advanced solutions in addition to having complete visibility. Above all, it is more than just an obligation for organizations to vet cloud service providers frequently to get a clear idea of ​​where business-critical data is stored and to ensure that providers adhere to the latest security standards. security. In short, a hands-on approach rather than a reactive one has become the need of the hour.

  • Deliberate solutions to deliberate cybercrime

Hacking and the use of malware along with targeted phishing are becoming increasingly popular among cybercriminals. Also, a completely new form of cyber crime i.e. Ransomware is gradually taking over the cyber space nowadays which is causing serious problems for the corporate world. In addition to locking screens, ransomware can even encrypt sensitive business files and data, making them inaccessible until victims pay a ransom.

Sophisticated cybercrime poses a serious threat to information security. For obvious reasons, it is imperative that high-level authorities implement effective solutions such as security measures and real-time monitoring, state-of-the-art scanning systems, and proper lockdown facilities to ensure comprehensive protection of sensitive business data. It goes without saying that keeping a backup is also crucial to avoid serious consequences.

  • Eradication of IoT and BOYD related issues

The IoT (Internet of Things) and BOYD (Bring Your Own Device) trend is gaining popularity among professionals across the globe due to efficiency and convenience. But at the same time, it has its own share of downsides. The biggest security risks appear to have shifted to the end-user level. For example, if someone is using their personal laptop for work without a permanent office, how can you determine that the licensed professional is actually using the device? There are chances that the device is being used by someone else. In most cases, it may appear that the laptop being used belongs to the authorized person, but in reality it may not.

To deal with these issues, companies are focusing more on secure limited access, data encryption, and network and device lockdown options. In addition, proper device management and password enforcement should be given high priority.

In short, modern enterprises must become more flexible and resilient, as well as recognize the latest trends and develop the potential to repel information security attacks. Timely updating of operating systems, installing strong defenses along with comprehensive security awareness training for employees can help determine and prevent attacks. In addition to this, keeping a backup of the data is a must so that it can be quickly restored even if a cyber attack occurs.


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