1. Start exercising.

Exercising is a quick and easy way to increase both the volume and power of your ejaculation. Even a quick training session increases testosterone, which means you get in shape and get more sperm, too. The important thing to remember is to focus on quick anaerobic sessions (lifting weights, hitting the punching bag, etc.), because prolonged training sessions or excessive cardiovascular exercise will actually cause you to lose testosterone.

2. Drink water … and eat your salmon and vegetables.

Quick trivia question … what percentage of Americans are chronically dehydrated? If you guessed anything less than 75%, you are wrong. A staggering 3 in 4 Americans are chronically dehydrated and 1 in 3 is so dehydrated that they actually mistake it for hunger! Moral of the story? Drink your water … all 8 glasses a day. And don’t forget to eat … but stay away from greasy foods from fast food restaurants … a Big Mac won’t help you shoot big loads, contrary to what you might think. Fried foods and caffeinated beverages actually slow down, or even stop, testosterone production. Limit yourself to leafy greens, salmon, chicken white meat, and nuts … healthier foods that help increase the amount of testosterone your body produces.

3. Rethink the party scene.

No, you don’t have to stay home every Friday night, but keep in mind that those late night parties host a couple of enemies for a bigger load. What are they?

* Lack of Sleep – Researchers have found that not getting enough sleep each night can negatively affect your testosterone levels … in other words, men actually sleep.

* Alcohol: Having a few drinks with your friends won’t make you less of a man, but drinking to excess (more than four drinks in an hour) will cause your testosterone to pile up and head for the hills.

4. Enjoy your morning “wood.”

Come again?

That’s right … I said enjoy your morning wood! You’re dying to know why, right?

Well here’s why … because having an erection actually helps raise testosterone levels and when you wake up in the morning, you have a whole night of built up testosterone. It’s like getting two testosterone injections for the price of one!

5. Take a good volume enhancer (also known as a sperm supplement)

The first four steps I took you will have a positive impact on the volume of your sperm and semen, but to really take your intensity and volume to the next level, you need to get your entire body in shape … inside and out. There are a dozen vitamins and herbs that provide the perfect combination your body needs, but finding them all and determining the correct dosage can take a lot of trial and error. This is why I recommend finding a good sperm supplement and taking it as directed … trust me, you will notice the difference!


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