Here are some interesting statistics and facts about Michael Phelps

If you were to count Michael Phelps’s value in gold, he is valued at about three million. In fact, the 2008 Olympics are probably worth ten times that amount of money a year. That information is one of the reasons the current generation of Olympians begins their pursuit of Olympic gold at a young age.

Here are some more interesting facts from Michael Phelps:

Marketing experts declared that Phelps, who is now the most victorious Olympian with 12 Olympic gold medals, will turn out to be the richest professional swimmer in history, far in excess of the income earned by Mark Spitz.

Some speculate that Phelps can easily raise a billion dollars. With that amount of money, it’s safe to say that you may not need to apply for a real job. You can easily live on that amount of money for the next fifty years.

The Olympics have become big business since the Olympics gave professional athletes the ability to compete twenty years ago.

Simply, no one has made the amount of money that athletic megastars make comparable to Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, David Beckham or whose names are recognized worldwide and they have cash registers throwing money everywhere.

Eli Portnoy, chief brand strategist at Portnoy Group, doubted that Phelps, or any Olympian, would match the earning capacity of Woods, who is estimated to become the first billionaire athlete in 2010.

More Michael Phelps facts are: Currently, Phelps reportedly raises nearly $ 5 million a year from endorsements, though his agency declined to comment. Portnoy estimates that this amounts to roughly $ 30 million, in the short term.

Phelps fact: I’m already a millionaire

Phelps is already the prototype of today’s American corporate Olympian with the Phelps machine in full action before breaking the 9 gold record set by Spitz and Carl Lewis, Finnish runner Paavo Nurmi and Soviet gymnast Larysa Latynina.

Phelps, who became a professional swimmer at sixteen and a millionaire at eighteen, has sponsors, agents, lawyers, accountants, charities, his own website in English and Chinese, and even his own logo with a blue M-shaped logo. waveform and a red P over its name.

Within seconds of Phelps winning his 10th gold medal, Visa aired a special version television commercial commemorating his title as the most decorated Olympian.

“You need to be there early and establish your affiliation with the property, Michael Phelps,” said Michael Lynch, Visa’s director of global sponsorship management, whose relationship with Phelps dates back to 2002.

“Your performance here will benefit us, as it will increase the visibility that we will gain through this affiliation … and your ability to earn money will increase, there is no question about that.”

One thing is for sure that Phelps will also hold the record for capitalizing on his Olympic fame, and that is what I believe are the most important facts about Michael Phelps.


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