Most people think that sugar is largely to blame for poor oral health, especially when it comes to teeth. But in a real sense, if you eat sugar and clean your teeth thoroughly, you’re less likely to see adverse effects. The real problem with sugar on your teeth is what it does when it is left in your mouth. When you leave sugar in your mouth after eating sugary foods, drinks, or treats, your mouth produces a lot of acid and this is what leads to cavities. Therefore, to keep cavities at bay, you should always brush your teeth after eating especially sugary foods. You can also help the situation by limiting the amount of sugar you consume.

If you have dental retainers, you need to be very careful with sugar. This is not only because sugar can ruin them, but also because they can trap sugar and make it harder for you to keep your teeth and mouth free from harmful levels of sugar. When you eat too much sugar with your dental retainer on, there is the possibility of stains on your teeth, especially if you are not very careful with brushing and flossing. Sugar increases the risk of tooth decay and also runs the risk of it building up. Such buildups are not only unsanitary, but they can also end up weakening your retainers, which means you likely have broken retainers.

It is important to remember that the acid in the mouth eventually begins to corrode the teeth and this can create pockets where bacteria thrive. Over time, you will have a painful erosion and will also remain susceptible to cavities. To keep your teeth healthy and your dental retainer in tip-top shape, adopt a good cleaning regimen. It is actually a very simple way to minimize your dental retainer repair because it will have less damage.

Oral Health Care Tips and Dental Retainer

When wearing your dental retainers, avoid eating hard and sticky sugary foods. These foods can actually harm them.

· Reduce your consumption of sugary foods. Remember that dental retainers can trap food, making it difficult to remove plaque, making it easier for cavities to develop.

Get into the habit of brushing your teeth thoroughly at least three times a day, most importantly after meals. A soft bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste should do the trick in keeping your teeth healthy.

Aside from your teeth, be sure to also schedule your dental retainer cleaning times from time to time. You can use simple techniques like using a toothbrush and paste to clean them and also make sure they stay in the water when not in use. Find out with your dentist the best way to clean and care for your retainers to get it right and minimize damage.

Get regular oral checkups with your dentist and be sure to repair your broken retainers or replace lost retainers as soon as possible. If you have problems or concerns with your teeth, you should also consult with your dentist.


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