Want to lose extra pounds by burning calories but hate diet food and strenuous exercise? Listed below are the easiest ways to burn an extra 300 calories throughout the day.

1. Dance: Join aerobics classes near you or just tune in to an exercise playlist in your favorite music app and dance a bit at home. Shake your body for an hour. You will burn up to 300 calories.

2. Walk: avoid sitting in one place for a longer time and walk around a bit. Take a brisk walk for an hour and 21 minutes to burn 303 calories. Does it seem boring? Break it up into five quick 20-minute sessions throughout the day. Walk your dog, walk to work, or exercise your legs on a treadmill.

3. Get up – Do you have a desk job? Make sure you are on your feet for a total of 2 hours and 20 minutes during the day to burn 303 calories.

4. Clean – Scrub, mop, place furniture, vacuum and clutter your space to keep your home in prime condition to burn 301 calories in an hour and a half.

5. Keep running: go out with your dog or kids, play soccer or just run for 34 minutes to burn 308 calories.

6. Strap on your skates: Experience your childhood memories again with 38-minute indoor or outdoor ice skating to burn 302 calories.

7. Stretch – You can burn 300 calories with fast-paced vinyasa yoga for one hour and 7 minutes. Do morning and evening yoga sessions yourself or take a power yoga class.

8. Jumping Jack – Perform jumping jacks for four minutes by setting an alarm every hour. It’s the fastest way to burn 300 calories or more in 8 mini sessions to boost your mood.

9. Skiing: It’s a fun-filled adventure activity that doesn’t seem like hard work. In 45 minutes, you can burn up to 306 calories in just 45 minutes.

10. Jumping: Even if you don’t have the jump rope, you can jump for at least 13 minutes twice a day to burn 310 calories.

When it comes to losing weight and exercising multiple times a week, you need a routine that helps you get the best results in less time. There are personal training tricks that can help you achieve a leaner and fitter body if done correctly.


According to the American College of Sports Medicine, you can control your metabolism for about 24 hours after exercise by adding just one other twist to your exercise routines, namely intervals.

If you exercise for up to 30 minutes and love to walk, you can add a burst of jogging for up to 30 seconds every 5 minutes. As you get in shape, you can easily improve the length of your interval and reduce the segments to 4 minutes. Cardiovascular exercise can provide a huge boost to your body’s metabolism.

Strength training

When your heart and other parts of your body need fuel all the time, you can do little things to meet your metabolic needs. Their muscles are also changeable and they also need regular nutrition. You need to make them bigger and they will need more calories throughout the day and night. With the help of different movements, you can easily target all the important muscle groups of the body. You can easily complete the entire routine in just 30 minutes. You should love doing it for at least 2-3 times a week and your muscles will definitely turn into ovens that can burn extra calories before turning them into fat. Try pushups (shoulders, chest, and arms), rowing, lunges, reverse dips, squats, and other exercises.

Note: Estimated calories in a person weighing 150 pounds or less.


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