Conscious particles, fields and waves

“In some strange way, an electron or a photon [or any other elementary particle] it seems to ‘know’ about changes in the environment and seems to respond accordingly, “says physicist Danah Zohar. A group from the Weizmann Institute in Israel has performed a variation on…

The Power Rack and the Power Pill

Walk into any gym and whatever comes to mind: “fake boobs,” “synthetic arms,” ​​”six-pack lipo,” “calf implants,” or “that guy is juicing for sure!” We all do it. You may not say it out loud, but you know you are thinking about it. Implants, Synthol,…

Is my dog ​​safe from COVID-19?

Although 3 dogs are known to have tested positive in China for the coronavirus or COVID-19, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) state that it is highly unlikely that you and your dog will become contaminated. mutually with COVID-19.…

Natural skin and hair care

Why natural? What would you think if driving to your neighborhood gas station saw people running gasoline through their hair and buying miniature bottles to take home to moisturize their hands and feet? Imagine if, when visiting a chemical plant, you witnessed how employees were…

Working with bad memories

Bad juju In our house, it is affectionately called “mal juju”. I guess acknowledging temporary insanity with a dose of humor is half the battle. But when our lives are moving at a fairly even pace, it’s not funny when one of us suddenly stumbles…

Where to play pool at home

Where to start? First of all, almost any room in the house will do. It all comes down to 2 things. First, where can I add a pool table? Second, what else goes into the room besides the pool table? Where do you like to…

America’s Top 200 Attributes

Technology and industrialism 1. A phone system that works almost all the time 2. Electricity and running water 3. Toilets and toilet paper 4. Easy access to the Internet 5. Email 6. Instant messaging 7. Skype and video chat services for long distance communication 8.…