7 steps to healthy natural hair

Where is my hair? After graduating from cosmetology school, having a fundamental understanding of hair, I realized one day that my hair was different from my childhood hair, in density and length, and by length I mean not having any. Where was my hair? It…

Nerd Costume Essentials

Halloween is fast approaching, and for this year, a geek or nerd costume can be an inexpensive, easy, and comfortable alternative to other costume ideas. It has already become a classic costume for both boys and girls. There are three main areas to consider when…

Does couples therapy work with narcissists?

Written by Randi Fine, Narcissistic Abuse Expert Guidance and Support for Narcissistic Abuse with Randi Fine All relationships have conflict. Every relationship has areas of difficulty. There will be some form of disagreement and pain in every relationship. What determines a successful relationship is the…

Coffee Shop Gift Card Programs

Gift cards can be one of the most profitable items a coffee shop or coffee shop can offer. These are some of the many questions that any coffee shop or coffee shop owner should ask themselves when implementing a system in their store. Where are…

Beauty tips for face and makeup

Makeup has been around for centuries; even Cleopatra in ancient Egypt decorated her face. Women throughout history have considered makeup essential. Makeup doesn’t do magic, it just enhances the beauty you already have. Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a career woman, a teenager, or a…