Why not you?

Russell Wilson, the 5’11, 25-year-old quarterback for the Seattle Seahawks who just won the Super Bowl, loves to tell the story of how his father pushed him away as a boy who struggled to make teams because he was too little. His dad would say,…

The four growth stars

It’s been a while since I posted about the Four Cemeteries. As its name indicates, the Four Cemeteries represent the end of a cycle. The Four Growth Stars are the opposite of Graveyards. It represents the beginning of a cycle. A starting point! It represents…

Handicapping 101: High Winds

Tulane Stadium set the stage for Superbowl 4 on January 11, 1970, as the Minnesota Vikings (12-2) sought “Kapp” ​​into their season with a win over the Chiefs. But high winds and a tornado watch during the game would play their hand in the outcome.…

Dallas Cowboys – Still Alive!

The pulse of the Dallas Cowboys… The Dallas Cowboys are still alive and kicking… The Dallas Cowboys defeated the Washington Redskins and have received an incredible boost by ensuring that the quarterback problem and Tony Romo will not be the reason for lying down and…