Shelter dog: how did it get here?

Let’s talk about the dog rescued at the local dog shelter. In a recent article, I sought to raise awareness of dogs found in a dog rescue shelter, but now let’s get a better understanding before entertaining dog shelter adoptions. An abandoned dog can be…

Linux for home users

Hi guys! Don’t raise your eyebrows or fear when you hear the word Linux. It is as easy to use as Windows. Just take a look at the articles below and all the Linux myths on your mind will be gone. Introduction to Linux: It…

Practical tips for new moms

The first days and years of motherhood are full of surprises, sleepless nights, joy, and other feelings. Everyone will give you their opinion on how you should take care of yourself and your baby. There are certain tips that can make a new mom go…

Who needs a passport?

Once upon a time, I forgot my driver’s license when I went to the airport to fly to Canada for a few days. Well, in those days, that wasn’t a problem. I just said, “I forgot my driver’s license. Can I go up anyway? I…

Three Cs for a Nonprofit Website Strategy

Your nonprofit website is a key component to your communication strategy. Use the Three Cs to evaluate your current website and as part of the planning process as you move towards maximizing the value of the Internet for building your organization. Communications Your website is…