If you’re bored to death with the standard jumps, spins and tricks that belong in the early stage, and you think you’re ready to put your skills to the test, here are 4 skateboard tips and tricks and how to do it. interpret them – so you can add them to your repertoire:

skateboard trick #1 – Bomb Drop

This is a well-known skateboard trick that is generally practiced by skateboarders, although they also find a way to enter professional competitions. Essentially, the bomb drop can be an alternative to an ollie when it comes to a drop or a flight of stairs. With a bomb toss, what you do is jump with the board in your hands first, then bring it to your feet when you’re airborne.

Not surprisingly, this isn’t the safest skateboarding trick for you, so start with an area that isn’t too high. Second, have the required protective clothing on. Third, repeat your hand and foot coordination skills; he is usually given a split second to get the board out of his hands and onto his feet.

skateboard trick #2 – The boning

This particular one has been around for a long time and currently has several variations. With this particular skateboarding trick, you start by taking the skateboard off your feet just as you get off it too. You then jump off on one foot and finish by returning the skateboard to its original position (under your feet) while making a perfect landing.

As complicated as it may seem, this particular skateboard trick isn’t that hard to pull off as long as you’re willing to practice it often. The ease of doing this particular skate trick might have contributed to its fading charm for skaters, especially those belonging to the younger generation. Still, it’s always handy to have an old skateboard trick like this under your belt because you won’t know when you’ll need to include it as part of your display.

skateboard trick #3 – coffin

Although the name used for this trick sounds a bit scary, once again it’s a super easy trick to pull off although it’s definitely a step or two higher compared to the simple twists and turns you’ve perfected while practicing at the novice level.

For starters, increase your speed while skateboarding. Second, place your body in the front area of ​​the skateboard. Third, take a seat in the middle of your skateboard by bending your knees and gripping the sides of your skateboard. Use both hands, of course. Lastly, lie down and then lie prostrate on your skateboard as if you were in a coffin. Ready! Skate trick accomplished!

skateboard trick #4 – The firecracker

Light up the streets with this entertaining skateboard trick! However, just like setting up and preparing for fireworks, you need careful planning and precision when performing this particular trick. This firebreaking skateboard trick involves a flight of stairs and you head downhill once more. As you descend, you can increase your speed by deliberately allowing the end of your skateboard to hit each and every rung. This slap is, of course, equivalent to the crackle of firecrackers. However, it will not work successfully if you cannot make sure that the sounds resemble the continuous burst of fire from firecrackers. Uniformity and consistency, therefore, are the crucial factors in getting this trick right.

Obviously, there are many more skateboarding tricks you should master, but for now, start with these 4. Get good at these before moving on to the next level!


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