For several weeks, or years, I have been waiting for an important package to arrive in the mail. I don’t know why they call it snail mail because I’ve seen snails crawl faster.

With all of our current technology, I would think mail could arrive on a particular schedule, and I’m thinking of an expedited schedule.

I’ve been going to my mailbox every day for several weeks and I find a lot of junk mail, but I can’t find the mail I’m looking for. They promised that it would arrive between seven and ten days. Of course, they did not mention which days would come, nor did they say that those days would be consecutive.

Every day that the mail has not arrived has made me more nervous.

The kind lady of the rectory always encourages me to be patient. Once I replied: “I am not a doctor and I do not have patients.”

There are times when I shouldn’t verbalize what I’m thinking. It would keep me out of trouble. When I mentioned that I had no patients, my wife looked at me and said, “Well, silly, get yourself some and have some today because I am running out of patience.”

In my journal that night, I made a small note: “Do not respond to the wife verbally until you have had seven days to think it over.”

At my age, in three days, I have completely forgotten what I was going to say.

The interesting thing was that I checked my bank account and saw that the day I ordered that package, the money left my account immediately. They had my money, but I didn’t have their package.

It seems strange to me that money leaves my account much faster than anything else in this world. Where is it going? Not long ago, someone withdrew $ 1700 from my account. Obviously, they requested a card on my account, got it, and used it.

If my mail arrived as fast as my money disappears, I would be a happy camper.

It took the bank several weeks to get that $ 1700 back in my account. Like I say, it comes out faster than it comes in.

In the last few days, I have been getting a little nervous, more than usual. I stand at the window, waiting for the postman, and he never comes on a regular schedule.

Then the postman appears, I jump up, run out the door, get to the mailbox and, to my disappointment, the package is not in the mail. I have mail from everyone and everything, but not the mail that I really want. How aggravating is that?

I stomped back into the house, grumbling under my breath, careful not to vocalize what itches in my head.

Upon entering the house, all I did was say grrrrrrrrrrrrr. And then I let it spill out, “When will that package arrive?” I didn’t know anyone in the house was listening.

“Are you still worrying about that package?”

She knew I was, so I just looked at her, smiled, nodded, and went to my office area.

Looking at me, trying to cheer me up, I think she said, “All in due time.” And then he smiled in my direction.

He didn’t know what he meant by “due time.” Did you mean “dew time”? Or did you mean “meet the time”? As it was, he was “serving time” and was not very happy about it.

“There is always a reason,” he explained, “for everything. There is certainly a reason why this package is late.”

He knew what he was saying was correct, but he was in no mood to listen to a sermon. Listening to one of his sermons, I was afraid that he would start to make a collection. He certainly wasn’t in the mood for that. I wanted to give something, but certainly not money.

I remember there was a time when you would go to a store to buy something, you would look for it and then you would take it to the counter, you would pay the cashier and then you would walk out the door with it. I sure miss those good old days.

When I called customer service, they assured me that they shipped the package at the correct time and based on their records, it was delivered in the correct time.

I hung up the phone and sat there, grumbling about my misfortune. Then the bell rang.

I got up and opened the door, and a man said, “I received this package several weeks ago, but it is nothing I ordered. Is this something you ordered?”

I looked at the package. It had my name, but not my address. I happily thanked the boy, shook his hand, and wished him a good day.

I went back to my chair, opened the package, and there was what I had asked for, all in due time.

I thought of a special verse, “For everything there is a time, and a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to pluck.” what is planted “(Ecclesiastes 3: 1-2).

Everything has an element of time that has been established by God, and when I surrender to God’s timing, I will plant seeds of happiness in my life.


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