Europe’s first great civilization developed around the Aegean Sea and has proven to be a major influence on all subsequent European civilizations. The architecture of ancient Greece was the essential origin of European architecture. Through its influence on the architecture of the Roman Empire and thus, indirectly, of medieval Europe.

Greek architecture itself did not develop in isolation. Distinct regional vernacular styles can be discerned in the most remote prehistoric period, in the eastern and northern Aegean islands, especially Crete. The geography of the Aegean area stimulated navigation. Sea traders from the eastern Mediterranean were drawn to the Aegean via the southern coasts of Asia Minor and brought knowledge of Egyptian and Near Eastern ways. An important civilization developed on the island of Crete and thus, in turn, spread to the mainland. Stimulate communities adjacent to the Aegean.

For the fourteenth century a. BCE, the center of power and influence had shifted to the Greek-speaking continent, only to collapse into disorder and poverty at the end of the 12th century BCE. c.

During this period, the Greeks had migrated from the mainland through the Aegean to the coastal regions of Asia Minor and Cyprus; in the period of revival that followed, a more extensive overseas movement brought the Greeks to North Africa (Cyrenaica), to the shores of the Black Sea, and above all to southern Italy and Sicily. These communities contributed to the development of classical Greek architecture often forming distinctive regional variations, with that of Sicily and Italy being in turn influential in the forms developed in Italy in the Etruscan cities and eventually in Rome.

Later, Philip II’s establishment of Macedonian supremacy over Aegean Greece and his son Alexander’s conquest of the Persian Empire greatly expanded the scope of Greek politics. Intellectual and artistic domination.

Greek architecture was stimulated by Egypt and the Near East, it was itself the stimulating of Roman and later European architecture. To all the arts, to literature and science, the Greeks applied remarkable qualities of intellect and aesthetic judgment; the architecture of ancient Greece fully demonstrates the levels of his achievement.

The civilization of Greece and the Aegean can be broadly divided into prehistoric, second millennium before Christ and before, and the historical or classic, that arose after a period of poverty and regression around the year 1000 before Christ.

American architecture emerged as a significant force in Western culture during the 19th century, and the achievements of the modern era cannot be fully understood without a careful study of American work.

The Telegraph Building, Beijing (1958), by Lin Luo-yi, the CAAC Building, Beijing (1960), by the Beijing Institute of Architectural Design, Hangzhou Airport Terminal Building (1971), by zhejiang Provincial Institute of Architectural Design, the Terminal Building of urumchi Airport (1973), from the Building Department Design Bureau, Lanzhou Railway Station, Lanzhou (1978), and many other commercial office blocks from the 1960s and 1970s have a simple form without Chinese details.


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