Arabic baby names are names from the Arabic-speaking world, also known as Muslim baby names. This is because Muslims predominate in the Arabic-speaking world. Therefore, some baby names are not really Arabic, such as Iranian and Turkish baby names.

Arabic baby names can be quite long. Arabic baby names may consist of Ism (given name), Laqab (nickname), Nasab (parents’ name), and Nisba (family name). In the same cases, the Kunya (meaning firstborn son) precedes baby names.

The Muslim religion has a great influence on Arabic baby names. Many Arabic or Muslim baby names use all ninety-eight attributes of Allah. In Arabic, Allah means God. Abd Al, meaning “servant of the”, precedes many baby names. Similarly, Al or El means the article “the” in English. For example, Abd-Al-Sami means servant of all ears, Abd-Al-Rashid means servant of all the guided, and Abd-Al-Jabbar means servant of the powerful. Now, Abdul is the most common form of Abd Al.

The names of Muhammad’s descendants are also a popular choice. For example, Umar, Ali, Bakr, and Fatima are descendants of Muhammad. Umar (Muhammad’s staunch supporter), Ali (Muhammad’s cousin), Bakr (Muhammad’s father-in-law), and Fatima (Muhammad’s daughter) are baby names meaning life, noble, young camel, and abstention respectively.

The names of the prophets also became popular. For example, Ibrahim, which means father of many, is the counterpart of Abraham, and Mariam, which means sea of ​​bitterness, is the counterpart of Mary.

A lot of baby names start with Al (meaning the), Ibn (meaning song of), and Abu (meaning father of). El means the same thing as Al. Al can also mean the tribe or clan of origin in some Arab regions. For example, Al-Amir means the prince, Al-Asad means the lion, and Al-Fakhir means the proud one. Another example, Abu Kadir means father of Kadir, Abu Idris means father of Idris, and Abu Ishaq means father of Ishaq.

By adding the letter A or H to the end, anyone can turn male baby names into female baby names. For example, Khalida is a female baby name for Khalid, Hashima is a female baby name for Hashim, Abdullah is a female baby name for Abdul, and Iyyah is a female baby name for Iyya.

Many baby names have also been modernized or shortened. For example, Avicenna (Ibn Sina), Achmed (Ahmed), Amurath (Al Murad), Saladin (Salah Al-din), Aladdin (Al-din), Nureddin (Nur Al-din) and Almanzor (Al Manzor).


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