I robot – You unemployed

According to recent studies, there are currently around 11 million jobs performed by humans that will be replaced by automation in the next 20 years. When I say automation I mean machines, commonly known as ROBOTS. The highest-risk jobs are in the transport and retail…

women fetish tuxedo

According to one of the research, it has been found that the smell and taste of cigarettes play a bigger role in the smoking behavior of women than that of men. Another study found that cognitive-behavioral therapy aimed at changing attitudes about weight promotes smoking…

5 factors to sell a house

There are five main factors to consider when selling a home. These factors will greatly influence not only the final price you will get for the property, but also how quickly it will sell and how much tort you will suffer from the sale. To…

Venice wine bars

In the whimsical Adriatic city of Venice, the citizens practice a wonderful little custom called “giro di ombre” (the shadow wheel). It is not a custom of all Venetians, but especially of men and, generally, of older men. However, with that being said, you don’t…