Basically, the condition is aggravated by certain foods that you choose to eat. Acid reflux or GERD is a major digestive problem that involves malfunctioning of the stomach and unavoidable damage to the esophagus.

The best way to solve the problem is to be aware of what foods to avoid with acid reflux. Unsurprisingly, however, most people take over-the-counter medications for quick relief of pain and discomfort.

Acid reflux is caused by the regurgitation of undigested contents of the stomach. When food enters the stomach, it must be completely broken down or digested by the liquid contents and enzymes in the stomach. This allows food to disperse to other parts of the body to increase productivity.

Food that is not broken down properly causes acid to back up into the esophagus. Eventually, the acid builds up and causes irritation in the lining of the esophagus. It swells and hurts. The first sign of GERD is usually heartburn.

However, you may experience other common painful and uncomfortable symptoms, such as regurgitation, belching, chest pain, dysphagia, and/or bloating. All of these can last for several months at a time if not treated properly. They can also reoccur after a week.

Yes, it is imperative to choose an acid reflux diet and exercise to lose weight. But, people must also understand that the root of the problem stems from eating too much; especially during dinner it induces an excess production of stomach acid. Therefore, you should eat small meals and take a break between bites.

Health professionals suggest that you wait at least three hours after meals before going to bed. Also, you should wait 30 minutes after eating to drink 1 gallon of warm water to dilute the acid. When lying down, make sure your head is raised 6 to 8 inches.

Avoid foods that are very acidic to help with proper digestion. Specifically, the stomach acid and enzymes should be able to completely break down food to eliminate recurrence of symptoms.

1. soft drinks that contain caffeine
3. mint
4. spicy foods
5. fatty/fried foods
6. citrus foods
7. tomato-based foods

Living a healthy lifestyle including a healthy diet will limit the chances of the condition recurring. Furthermore, it is important to exercise as this is a sure way to help lose weight. Obesity is one of the main contributors to the development and improvement of acid reflux. Therefore, it is imperative that you know the foods to avoid with acid reflux, when you should eat, and exercise to lose weight in order to live a healthier life.


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