My kids don’t see their activity as exercise; they like to call it ‘boot camp’. Us adults know that ‘boot camp’ is tough exercise and we shudder to think about it! However, my kids… love the phrase. So, make up your own word that your kids like…try to avoid the word ‘exercise’. The following list is what my kids like to do at ‘boot camp’ and I hope it can get your kids active too.

1. Walk! Walking might be the best exercise there is…we can do it anywhere, anytime, wearing anything! Look at the list below where it’s all about walking:

• Kids love technology right?! So, get the MAPMYFITNESS app on your smartphones that allows kids to track their walking route, duration, calories, pace, etc. The good thing about this app is that kids enjoy looking at their ‘stats’ while exercising, and they will go on and on. By the way, this app also works for biking, running, house cleaning, lawn mowing, and many other items. Or use a pedometer and see how many steps kids take…every week, try to improve by taking more steps, or do the same number of steps in a shorter amount of time.

• Walk the dog around the neighborhood! Kids love dogs…and when you need a change of scenery, head to a park or nature park. Not only the kids will love and enjoy the new atmosphere, but your dog too! On the nature trail, what animals do you see? Kids will forget they’re actually exercising!

• Walking or running for charity, ie 1K Kid Race (or 3K family walks); By participating in this event, you are giving back to society, and this is a great experience for your child! Be sure to train for a walk or run a week or two in advance!

• Be silly while walking; skip a block, then take baby or giant steps, or walk like the kids’ favorite animals… make it fun!

• During family gatherings or holidays… take a walk after lunch. Even most grandparents can take short walks, so get outdoors everyone! If your family is easygoing and active, play a good soccer, basketball, baseball or any other game… competition in the family is healthy and will make everyone work harder!

2. Water! One word ‘FUN’!

• What kid doesn’t like to swim?! And this is a great exercise because it works most muscles, is easy on the joints, and is a fun outdoor activity to do when it’s HOT! Run to the other side of the pool, or if they’re old enough, play pool volleyball or basketball, or make up your own game!

• How about we install the lawn sprinkler? Kids can play in the water for hours! This is an easy activity to do as a family and you will usually have a lot of laughs for good memories!

• How about going to a stream and trying to catch crabs, frogs, or small ponds? Or visit a larger body of water (rivers, lakes) where your family can canoe and hang out in nature all day!

3. Challenges! Who doesn’t love a challenge?

• Create a fitness challenge, whether it’s a walking or running challenge, sports challenges, or better yet, a biggest loser challenge. Create a reward system, possibly every other week (to keep their interest) or every time they hit a milestone, so they can see the achievable goal. If your child has some friends or has other family(s) that he can compete with, that will only increase his motivation!

4. Tasks! Isn’t it funny how kids love doing chores when they’re little and then suddenly chores aren’t so much fun anymore? While they are interested, engage them in…

• Gardening: dig, plant or find ripe vegetables and hopefully when they have collected enough, they will help clean the vegetables and then eat them!

• Yard work: planting shrubs and flowers, pushing the lawn mower (or helping dad do it), raking up grass or leaves…just keep them busy outside! They love being helpers, although it will slow you down!

• Washing the Cars: Whether it’s spraying the car (or dad!), wiping the dirt off the car, or drying the car, the kids will be sweating after that workout!

• Organize and clean rooms: pick up, carry and move items out of the house; who better to help!

5. Team, individual and family sports!

• Organized sports and games can fill your evenings and weekends with games and practices, and are important for building teamwork and sportsmanship. Get involved in your child’s sport by cheering him on!

• If your child prefers to participate in an individual sport, look into karate, gymnastics, dance, or swimming.

• Remember alternative sports… frisbee, skateboarding and horseback riding can also provide fun and exercise for your child. Let them discover which ones they really enjoy.

• Family Sports Night…for example, create cards that have exercises for the whole family. Each family chooses a card and performs that exercise until all the cards have been ‘played’. Additionally, cards can be purchased at

6. ‘Adult’ exercises, since we know that children like to do what their parents do.

• Flexibility: Show your children how to stretch their muscles. Let them stretch with you. Gently correct their form when necessary so they learn good habits and understand that there is a way to stretch that makes them more effective.

• Weights: Many children show an interest in weights. When properly supervised, weight training for children is safe and can be helpful in preparing them for sports and starting good lifelong fitness habits; see the 24 Hour Fitness website for additional information on weights. Talk to your child’s doctor before your child begins a weight training program.

7. Simple games: When your child’s friend comes over to play… avoid game time in front of the TV or computer. Instead he plays these games:

• Tag, You’re It, or Hide and Seek, Hopscotch, or Jumping Rope.

• Get creative… build an obstacle course or a fort… let your imagination run wild!

• Any board game and make up rules that get kids active!

• If the kids must watch TV (because of a favorite show), then see how many sit-ups, push-ups, squats, one-legged hops, etc. can do during TV commercials… and turn it into a competition!

8. Dance! Shake your booty!

• Turn up the volume… and dance, dance, dance! Most kids love to dance, so it’s time for a dance competition. Move the furniture to make room and get out the video camera!


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