Most people think that dry skin only occurs during the winter months when the wind blows and temperatures drop. The truth is that dry skin is a problem for many people all year long, regardless of the elements or climate in which they live. When patients come to me complaining of dry, flaky skin, I immediately ask a few relevant questions about their skin care regimen and overall health:

o What soap and/or moisturizer are you using?
o What medications are you currently taking?
o Do you have any pre-existing health conditions such as diabetes, psoriasis, or hypothyroidism?

By finding the answers to a few simple questions, I can usually pinpoint the cause of your problem. First let me say that when the skin is healthy, it is covered with a thin layer of natural lipids that keep the skin soft and supple. For some reason these fatty oils have been removed and it is up to me to determine why.

The medical term for dry skin is xerosis and it is just as common in men as it is in women. The difference is that men are less likely to do anything about it. Changing your skin care habits, whether you’re a man or a woman, will help you look better as you age and give you an overall younger appearance.

Common causes of dry skin

Dry skin is caused by something in the environment or by something you are doing to make it so. Most of the time the cause is external and can be easily treated. Here are some of the most common causes and why:

o Misuse of moisturizer: applying moisturizer to dry skin instead of wet
o Dry air: heating and air conditioning can dry out the atmosphere indoors
o Long, hot showers and baths – prolonged exposure can remove natural oils
o Soap: selection of strong soaps dry out the skin
o Medications and drugs: some medications have side effects that cause dryness

No one wants to have dry, itchy skin, even if it isn’t noticeable on the surface or looks unsightly to others. If left untreated, dry skin can lead to skin inflammation, better known as dermatitis or swelling, and infection. The good news is that with careful skin care, you should be able to alleviate the problem.

Remedies for dry skin

The best way to combat dry skin is to add moisture both to the air around you and directly to your skin. Here are some things to try:

o Soak in a warm bath. Hot water removes moisture and oils from the skin. The cooler water will help restore moisture. A nice relaxing soak in a hot tub is also refreshing on a hot summer day. If your skin is itchy as well as dry, try adding a handful of rolled oats to the tub. Oatmeal will soothe, heal, and soften your skin.

o Splurge on your soap. A creamier soap with cocoa butter or coconut oil can soothe your skin and help prevent it from drying out. Creamy soaps are much better for dry skin than bleach-based soaps.

o Moisturize after showering. Towel dry, but allow your skin to remain slightly damp. Then use a body lotion or coconut oil on your skin. Let it sit for a few minutes and then use your towel to remove any excess. Use a little extra moisturizer on areas prone to dryness like elbows, hands, feet, and legs. I prefer all-natural, vegetable-based lotions. I recommend that you avoid lotions that contain a lot of chemicals and fragrances.

o Use a humidifier in your home. If you live in a dry climate, where the humidity is less than 30%, a humidifier can make your home more comfortable. You’ll enjoy smoother skin, and you’ll probably find that you sleep better at night, too. (Dry air can aggravate nasal passages and disrupt sleep.)

o Support your skin with supplements. Certain supplements can help promote healthy, smooth, and toned skin. Studies show that taking vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein, and alpha lipoic acid can help improve skin quality and protect skin from damage caused by sun exposure and oxidation. Moisturizing lotions that contain these nutrients are also good.

What if it’s more than dry skin?

Another condition related to dry skin presents more of a challenge. Keratosis pilaris (KP) affects 50% of adults. When you have KP, a protein in your skin called keratin builds up around hair follicles. It forms small patches of hardened skin, usually on the upper legs, back, or upper arms. These skin patches look like goosebumps. KP may be unsightly, but it is not dangerous.

There are several topical treatments that can help smooth KP-affected skin and remove protein buildup. There are many over the counter options available. Lotions and creams that contain alpha hydroxy acid, lactic acid, urea, or retinol can help improve skin texture. When used correctly, these treatments can soften the skin, but if used in excess, they can cause irritation. It is important to follow the instructions on the package.

If over-the-counter treatments don’t help your KP, make an appointment with your dermatologist. He or she can help you explore other options, such as microdermabrasion or a stronger topical cream.

Many people think that dry skin and KP are conditions you have to live with. This simply is not true! When it comes to taking care of your skin, you can easily follow these simple skin care tips that will keep you looking and feeling your best.


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