The Millionaire Mind Intensive (MMI) is a three-day event created by T. Harv Eker, founder of Peak Potentials Training and author of the New York Times bestseller, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. This is my review of the event I personally attended, which will give you an idea of ​​whether or not you should attend one.

On Friday morning when I arrived, I saw that they had staff to usher to find individual seats like they do in movie theaters, as these events usually draw full capacity. About 1/4 of the audience were people who had attended previous MMI events, so they have a good fan base.

The main speaker trainer was not T. Harv Eker himself (which I already knew), but one of the trainers from Eker’s company, Peak Potentials, who turned out to be a very good speaker. He was also a billionaire, which ensured his credibility in my mind.

In fact, there were some millionaires in the audience as some former Peak Potentials students attended and achieved financial freedom. This fact alone made it so different from other events I attended as it was really something to be in the same room and listen to these people who really found success in terms of wealth.

The energy level was very high as the speaker used audience participation every several minutes. This was in complete contrast to his regular Toastmasters event, where more often than not, the speakers do the talking and the audience just listens. Here at the Millionaire Mind Intensive, there was a constant back and forth demanded by the speaker trainer. There was a lot of high-fives and statements.

Personally I think this was a bit excessive for my liking as I would have preferred maybe around 50% amount of audience participation but then again it was a very long three days ending in late night sessions and audience seemed to enjoy it. wake up without anyone falling asleep. To continue the high energy, after each break, they played dance music and invited eager audience members to come up on stage to dance. They had no problem filling the stage each time.

The content was pretty solid in my opinion. They covered financial beliefs, attitudes and went into some financial wealth strategies, all presented in a fun and energetic way. They also used a lot of partner work. Some I liked and others honestly not. But again, the vast majority of the audience seemed to love every minute.

Of course, unsurprisingly, the presenter spent time presenting Peak Potentials’ most advanced and expensive courses. Interestingly, these pitches were done in a way that I actually didn’t mind sitting down. The Millionaire Mind Intensive only scratches the surface of many of the topics Peak Potentials covers, so I hope the real ‘how to’ material is in the advanced courses.

Would you recommend people to attend the Millionaire Mind Intensive? The answer is yes, if one wants to achieve financial freedom. This is an event where you will get a good introduction to modern concepts for achieving great wealth and freedom. You’ll take the advanced courses to teach you the main details, but at least the MMI will really make you think.


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