Making healthy sandwiches gives you the opportunity to use your creative talents in the kitchen once again. The sandwiches can be prepared as a complete meal, providing all the necessary nutrients for a healthy life.

To create a powerful and healthy sandwich, use your imagination and include herbs like fresh basil leaves, cilantro or fresh parsley. Fresh watercress gives a sandwich a great spiciness; it also gives it an attractive appearance and has practically no calories. Did you know that watercress is a good source of beta-carotene, calcium, iron and potassium?

Fresh chives, which contain sulfur oil (which can lower blood pressure if you eat a large amount consistently), fresh romaine lettuce, are low in calories and high in fiber. Try to choose lettuce with dark green leaves; Spinach, which is packed with vitamin A and folic acid, and high in vitamin C and potassium, is a great choice for sandwiches, as it’s also a vegetarian source of protein.

When creating your sandwiches, try using whole rings of sliced ​​green, red, or yellow bell peppers, as they are not only colorful, but are also an excellent low-calorie source of vitamin C.

Try using sandwich-style sliced ​​dill pickles (pat dry) or sliced ​​cucumbers. Fresh, crisp snow peas are low in calories and rich in vitamins A and C. In addition to containing protein, snow peas help create a nutritionally complete meal when combined with whole grain products.

Sliced ​​Steak Tomatoes are a great addition to any sandwich. Try using asparagus or green capers on top of your stuffing. We just have a few “green” and a few red vegetable and herb ideas to spice up your sandwiches.

Fillings for healthy sandwiches is where we must be careful in the use of calories. Always use a light Miracle Whip, light cream cheese, or Dijon mustard. The Light Miracle Whip and Cream Cheese taste just as good as regular items and have half or less the calories and fat.

Favorite fillings for sandwiches are hard-boiled eggs, tuna, shrimp, roast beef, thinly sliced ​​ham, thinly sliced ​​smoked salmon with cream cheese and capers, various light cheeses, such as Edam, Light Mozzarella, Provolone, Asiago, sliced ​​Avocado sea ​​bream spread, artichoke tapenade, Black Forest ham, chicken salad spread, sliced ​​chicken breast,

Avocados, which are fruits by the way, are high in “good” fats, that is, monounsaturated, but always remember that they are high in calories and fat. These are just a few ideas, but add the veggies listed above and you have a deluxe healthy sandwich when good protein is added to your veggies.

The last item I will write about is bread, one of the most important items. The healthy breads to look for are logically those that contain whole grains, oatmeal, flax, spelled bread, rye bread. These breads contain the “good” carbohydrates that are a healthy food choice.

White flour breads have no nutritional value for our body. Please try to introduce these good choice breads to your children at an early age, so that they get used to eating healthy bread for a healthy life.

Creating powerful, attractive and healthy sandwiches is a learned trade; you will be using all the necessary nutrients from a healthy meal for a healthy life. There are a multitude of other types of healthy sandwiches, party sandwiches, sandwich rolls, pinwheel sandwich rolls, and even wraps to enjoy creating for you and your family.

You’ll be amazed at how much creativity bursts out of you when you start making these healthy recipes. These breads taste wonderful, but it is sometimes a difficult task to convince children to try them. Start the kids off with a good 100% whole grain bread that is fresh. I am sure that once you add the choice of good healthy items to the sandwich topped with the good bread, your child will love it. Later, you can gradually introduce other varieties.

Fortunately, 100% whole wheat bagels, crusties and many breads are now available to us, along with many other nutrients in breads for healthy living.

If you’re making sandwiches with sauces, it’s easy to cut out the butter or margarine. Replace it with mustard, low-calorie mayonnaise, light cream cheese. It will remove 100 calories from your sandwich.

We’ve given you a head start on your creative power to make sandwiches. Use your imagination and run with it.

Learn all about healthy vegetables and how to use them to make power sandwiches for healthy living.


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