I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about how to bring a man closer, especially when he’s been acting distant or pulling away.

If you have a feeling of longing for a man, especially a man who doesn’t give you all the love, affection, and attention you want and deserve, this will help. change your vibe and bring it closer to you.

Every time you look at a man, you have a choice in that moment. You can think of something that you are lacking – something you DON’T get from him – or you can think of something you LIKE about him, or something he does that makes you feel fantastic. That choice is yours!

Many women choose to come from a place of LACK – whether you are aware of this or not – because most of us were raised in some way to wallow in pain and then “get over it”. We are often INSPIRED by our anger or jealousy.

For me, this was especially the case with the “nice guys” who wanted to love me; he was always looking for reasons to “disqualify” them.

When you come from a place of MISSING when you are with a man – looks needy – and will start to feel like whatever he does, he can never make you happy.

This can do a lot of damage in a relationship: Ultimately, it makes a man LESS attracted and connected to you, and pushes him away.

When it comes to relationships, we are often in a place of judgment, defensiveness, and attack, without even realizing it! Deep down we tend to think that if we don’t complain or attack, we will get hurt.

When we come from this place, we are actually REPELLING love. When we actively judge or attack, we begin to sink into a malaise in our hearts where we feel unlovable because we are unwilling to be loving.

Deep down, you can equate being loving with “giving to receive”. You may think you are being affectionate with someone, but if your motivation is to GET something from them in return, that is not affectionate.

That’s when love can feel UNSAFE – because what you are experiencing is not love, even though you have been taught that it is love. Love is not trying to “get” anything – love IS everything! It does not lack.

The next time you look at a man, try to think of something you LIKE about him, or something that makes you feel wanted and adored.

This will instantly change your vibe and bring him closer. making him feel more attracted to and connected to you!


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