One way to look at someone’s development would be to say that at the beginning of their life, they only had a feminine aspect, and as time went on, their masculine aspect built on it. So they were not born with both aspects and so it will be regardless of whether he is male or female.
Furthermore, what this also illustrates is that both a man and a woman have both a feminine and a masculine aspect. No man on this planet is made up solely of the masculine and no woman on this planet is made up solely of the feminine.

The foundations

Being totally in their femininity at the beginning of their life would have meant that they were very receptive to what was going on around them. Furthermore, they would have been completely dependent on others, since they would not have been able to do anything for themselves.

Their need to receive would have been immense, starving for love, affection, attention, acceptance, and other nutrients. However, by receiving what they needed in order to grow and develop, they would have gradually outgrown this stage.

The other part

If her mother was essential in developing her inner feminine, her father would have been essential in developing her inner masculine. His physical and emotional self would no longer have been the same over time.

Instead of being stuck on their backs and unable to go anywhere or being stuck on a cot and unable to walk, they would have had much more freedom. His masculine aspect would have developed very well.

Two options

Fast forward several years and now you will have the ability to just be and do. As a result of this, you will have the ability to surrender, recharge and allow yourself to receive and you will have the ability to act, to go after what you want and to give.

In other words, they will not be human beings in name only; they may actually be as one. This will prevent their life from being one big struggle and ultimately working themselves to death.

a different experience

This is an experience that some people had, however for others this is not something that would have happened. Consequently, this would have prevented them from being able to develop properly and have a harmonious relationship with both aspects.

So at the beginning of their life they would have been in their feminine, but this would not have been a stage in their life where they received what they needed. Thanks to this, they would have been very traumatized at this stage of their life.

brutal time

The problem is that since they were in their feminine and therefore powerless and totally dependent, they would have been helpless. They had no way to protect themselves and they couldn’t leave either.

Their only option was to emotionally close down and disconnect from themselves. This would not have stopped what was happening, but it would have kept them from being aware of it and ensured their survival.


As to why they were traumatized, there is a possibility that they were often careless and when attention was paid to them, it may have been maladjusted attention. Now, shutting down and being in the survival response known as the freeze response would have protected them, but wouldn’t have allowed them to receive the nutrients they desperately needed.

What this will show is that because they were so overwhelmed, they didn’t feel secure enough to be in their womanhood. Being open, receptive, vulnerable and sentimental would have been seen as too great a risk.

The message

Quite simply, what their first experience would have taught them is that the world is not safe and neither are their fellow humans. Being in a closed state would have prevented them from receiving what they needed, but they were not provided with what they needed anyway.

To adjust to what was going on, his masculine aspect would have had to overcompensate. It will have been many, many years, but not having a healthy relationship with their feminine aspect, it can be more or less impossible for them to just be.

A threat

Their whole lives may revolve around doing and this may mean they are used to fighting. For your life to flow, you will need to be able to open up, give of yourself and be receptive.

This does not mean that they will not need to do anything; no, what it means is that they will not need to force everything and live an exhausting existence. For this to happen, you will need to embrace your inner feminine.

A process

Naturally, this will not happen overnight, as a large part of them will be in a defensive position. This will be seen as the only way for them to keep who they are and survive.

They will not have been in a war zone, but their entire system will have adapted to an environment that was very similar. Your brain and nervous system will have adapted to a hostile environment, not an environment full of love and peace.


If someone can relate to this and is ready to change their life, they may need to seek outside support. This is something that can be provided with the help of a therapist or healer.


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