Many people get body parts tattooed for art, although most would do so to remind them of a life experience or a promise they have made. One of the best things about this is that you can show this to the world. The bad thing is that, as one gets older, the skin begins to loosen and the tattoo looks different from before.

Some cultures also prohibit getting a tattoo, and in some societies, having a tattoo can mean that you’ve done something wrong or joined the wrong people. With that said, these are just some of the stigmas tattoos are associated with. What if you can get a tattoo but you can hide it? This is where the white ink tattoo comes in.

Feather tattoos

Contrary to the old school of stenciling and outlining tattoos with black ink, making tattoos with white ink takes a different approach, as it uses high-quality white ink instead of black ink. Doing a white ink tattoo is the same as black with the option of omitting the stencil part as the color can bleed into the white ink and cause discoloration. This is best suited for people looking for a more subtle way to express their art or those with pale skin as they can be easily hidden compared to those using black ink. However, a downside is that it is prone to fading and discoloration when excessively exposed to the sun’s rays. It can also be mistaken for a scar or mark and as such it is important that one choose the best design or speak to their artist prior to performing the procedure.

Choosing your tattoo artist

If you go for a white tattoo, it is important to find a professional tattoo artist to work on your design. One reason is that the process would result in open wounds and if the artist is not a professional, there is a tendency for the skin that stains the design for life to absorb some colors. Remember that white is not an opaque pigment, and as such, stronger color pigments can cause staining. Inks may also turn green or yellow when the design is exposed or if the artist is not careful when performing the procedure.

Should you get one?

If you are interested in getting a tattoo, it is important to consider whether you want it exposed or subtle. A black has darker pigments and is stronger, which makes the design more striking; however, it can be a problem, especially if it is not allowed in your workplace. A white one is subtle and can be perfect, but choosing the right design is important as not doing so would make the design look like a scar or health issue and could look unsightly.


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