All of us have been bullied by our parents and teachers to study study study. But all that studying won’t guarantee you a good result on the exam. You can study for hours and know all the material, but you can still do poorly on the exam. Why is this?

Basically it comes down to how well you can take a test. For example, my sister is much better than me in math. In fact, she has a degree in Aerospace Engineering. My sister is a rocket scientist. And yet, when we took the SAT, she did better on the math section.

I’m definitely not better than her at math. So why didn’t she do as well?

The answer lies in how well you take the tests.

You can study all you want, but unless you learn how to take an exam, you will never realize your full potential and much of that study go waste.

So what is the solution? Learn to take tests! There are many resources to learn to study. There are websites packed with information that can help you learn more than you ever thought possible. But that’s not what you’re looking for.

Let me share with you a tip on how to take tests. This is something you do before the test. Approach the teacher or professor and ask, “What exactly should I expect for the test?” It seems obvious, but it can go a long way. Use whatever information your instructor gives you – it will put you much further ahead than you were before. It could be something big or it could be something small. whatever it is, use it!

Some might say that this only works on the system, but it doesn’t. And some might say that just doing this won’t get you very far and they’re right. There are a host of other tips and tricks that you can use both before and during the test. Don’t get me wrong; You still have to study! But if you study poorly or study without considering the test, you will not do well on the test. The same as if you don’t understand how to take an exam. Granted, you’ll learn a lot, but the grade you get won’t reflect all of that knowledge.

I guess the point is not to let all your studying go to waste. Learn to take a test, then learn to study for a test. Then when you study and learn things, all that knowledge in your head will be reflected on paper much, much better.


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