Google Ranking Algorithm

This is a brief overview of the number of factors that Google takes into account in its ranking algorithm. So this is what is actually in this ranking algorithm.

Domain-level binding functions, also known as “domain authority,” are the first ranking factor. You can think of domain authority as all the links from other websites that point to all the pages on your website. In addition to appreciating the content of your website (keywords), Google also cares about the relationships of other websites with your site through links to their pages. There are many functions in Google’s domain authority algorithm, for example, the number of links, the quality of websites linking to your site, etc.

The second factor is the link function at the page level or “Page Authority”. Unlike the domain authority that looks at all the links to all the pages on your website, the page level authority index only looks at the page level.

Next on the list is page-level keyword and content features, also known as “keyword targeting.” This is all about your focus keywords. If your keyword is “mobile phone repair”, you will probably make sure that your website has the exact keyword phase that you are targeting. Due to Google’s theme modeling algorithm, it is recommended to also include theme variations of your chosen keyword. Thematic variations are the keywords connected or related, in our case with mobile phone repair, these can be “screen”, “battery” or phone models or manufacturer names.

Page level, keyword agnostic features are other ranking factors. These include page load speed, mobile friendliness, content uniqueness, size/length, etc. If a lot of people are searching for a specific keyword on mobile devices and you want to be found in search results, you need to make sure your web page is mobile friendly. Similarly, if people are searching for a topic in depth and looking for a specific latest study on the web and you want your website to appear in search results, your website should have a very specific page with unique and relevant content. .

Engagement, data query and traffic. This factor has been making a breakthrough, several years ago no one considered it as one of the ranking factors. When I talk about engagement, traffic, and data, I mean things like query success and pogo usage.

The pogo-stick is best described with an example. Let’s say you search for a keyword on Google. After submitting your query, Google displays a list of results. He then clicks on the first result in this list and goes to the web page, but then immediately returns to the search list and clicks on the second result. What you told Google is that the first result isn’t the best one because you didn’t spend time exploring it, but went back and selected a different one. You need to make sure this doesn’t happen with your website because this is a metric of a successful query or good experience that Google is paying close attention to.

Domain level, brand characteristics. Another factor that Google likes to see. This includes direct visits, brand search, brand affinity. What it means is that Google looks at your domain and says “Okay, this domain is actually connected to a particular topic… we’re going to rank it higher for queries for this topic.” For example, you may have seen a lot of TripAdvisor hotel reviews. So if you’re looking for a vacation or hotel review, you’ll often come across a TripAdvisor result. And after interacting with TripAdvisor web pages, it adds your brand to your next hotel review search query. And what it tells Google is “perhaps when people search without the brand attached, we should rank this brand higher in our results.”

Similarity to domain level, brand characteristics, domain level, topic, and keyword associations is a connection of your domain name to a specific topic or keyword. For example,, a provider of online marketing and SEO software, has a positive association with the keyword “SEO.” If you add this keyword to your queries, it is very likely that web pages will be in the search results. This is because Google has a theme partnership with

Moving on to the next factor, which is the domain level, the independent characteristics of the keywords. Like the page-level agnostic feature, this factor focuses on the domain level. Things like TLD length, spam level, trust signals, traffic data are all elements of domain independent features. TLD is a top level domain,,, etc. Google would check things like if this domain is marked as spam, if it is registered in the same way as other trusted domains, if it has contact information, etc.

Social engagement function. This is the last but not the least important ranking factor. It is argued that this factor is not very important, although more and more recommendations from the main SEO analytics providers highlight its indirect role in the ranking algorithm. This factor includes tweets, Facebook, Google+ likes and shares.


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