So what intense training exercise will change your body? As a strength and conditioning specialist, I can tell you with complete confidence that your most intense workouts should include kettlebell swings. Kettlebells are ancient strength and conditioning tools that have been around for over three centuries. This ancient form of strength and conditioning is right at the top of the food chain when it comes to your fitness and strength progression.

Kettlebell swings are one of the basic lifts you can perform with this strength training device. The two-arm kettlebell swing is an intense strength-training exercise that engages hundreds of muscles at once to complete a single movement. This exercise is done by executing a technique in kettlebell training called a hip snap. The hip snap is a movement that requires you to constantly flex and extend both your hips and knees to generate the momentum needed to swing the bell. This lift just involves swinging the bell from between your legs to chest or eye level. This constant back and forth movement will raise your perceived exertion level faster than running a couple hundred yard sprints! This lift is not only great for intense muscle training, but it’s also a tremendously intense cardio training exercise. If you don’t believe me, go ahead and give it a try.

If you haven’t taken the time to incorporate kettlebell swings or other basic kettlebell lifts into your personal program, then you’re really missing out. Please take the time to access the rest of my articles to learn more about it. Remember that anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart!


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