Are you experiencing runtime error 216? Runtime error 216 is a very general PC error for Windows users that occasionally crashes. This is the right article to fix runtime error 216 easily and quickly. Just two easy steps, you can make your computer error free.

Runtime error 216 usually occurs when you start a computer with a Windows operating system, Internet Explorer, or another Windows-based application. When you try to start Windows, Internet Explorer, or a Windows-based program, you may receive the following error message: Runtime error 216 at XXXXX. This problem can occur if your computer is infected with a SubSeven Trojan virus.

How to fix runtime error 216?

1. Run an up-to-date antivirus program to remove the virus from your computer. There are many reliable antivirus programs available in the market. You can simply choose any of them to remove SubSeven Trojan virus on your computer. If you have already installed antivirus software before, you should update it regularly to protect your computer effectively. If you still can’t fix runtime error 216, continue with step two.

2. Scan and repair Windows registry errors to fix runtime error 216. Why is a registry cleaner needed to fix such PC errors? As I mentioned earlier, runtime errors 216 are related to the SubSeven Trojan virus. However, fixing this error with the protection program is definitely not enough. Antivirus software can help you remove hidden viruses, Trojans, and spyware from your computer. Unfortunately, it can’t help you fix Windows registry errors. The virus would maliciously modify and destroy registry entries to achieve its purpose. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you run registry repair tools to fix runtime error 216. In my opinion, fixing runtime errors with registry cleaners is a very helpful way.


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