There’s a new natural ingredient that’s taking the US by storm, its name: tamanu oil. This long-used, traditional Pacific Island ingredient has even been featured on Oprah and countless other media outlets. Its claim to fame: being able to heal and rejuvenate the skin, even cure acne, and work as an antibiotic and disinfectant. Those are some great claims for a relatively inexpensive oil!

Tamanu oil originates from the Pacific island paradise of Tahiti, where the sap of the tamanu nuts to you three have been harvested for a long time and have been used as an all-purpose medicine and supplement. Only recently is the oil believed to have been ‘discovered’ by the medical and cosmetic industry in the West. Experiments and studies on the benefits of the oil have been conducted since the 1930s, but the lack of availability has kept the oil off-limits to the general public.

Tamanu oil has countless uses. The nun Sister Marie-Suzanne was the first Western person to discover its amazing ability to cure skin diseases when she used it to treat leprosy in the Fiji Islands. Since then, the oil has been used for more and more ailments, treating everything from ringworm, athlete’s foot, even sunburn and boils.

The people of Papua New Guinea use the oil to treat boils, cuts, and pimples. Since Tamanu oil works as a powerful natural antibiotic, it can be used to heal and disinfect any cut, it even works as a fungicide.

As amazing as these uses are, in the West, the oil is now being introduced primarily as a supplement to use for smooth, flawless skin. The oil, though thick, is easily absorbed into the skin and will help alleviate any skin conditions like rashes, enzema, blackheads, and even acne, while leaving your skin silky smooth. It also works wonders on dry or cracked skin as it works as a moisturizer. If you are one of the many Americans who spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on skin creams and moisturizers, then Tamanu oil may be a much healthier, much cheaper, and much more effective purchase.

Tamanu oil is all the talk right now, and for once, it looks like this natural ingredient may deliver on its promise!


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