Because shock keys can now be obtained by anyone over the Internet, shock key resistant products have been introduced to the homeowner market and the old locking pin systems have now been replaced by wafer systems. These new systems only cost a few dollars more than previous systems, which is a benefit for consumers. Consumers can now get shock protection as this latest technology allows home and business owners to change their keys at any time.

Old keys can be deactivated and the locks can be adjusted so that the new keys fit and open the door without having to call a locksmith. This is particularly good, especially when the keys have been given to dog walkers, babysitters, and cleaners. Once these people are no longer working for you, you can adjust your lock to open with a new key. There are also disadvantages involved with these types of locks. It can be opened by a locksmith, who knows how to pick these locks, which takes quite some time.

If you lock yourself in, a locksmith can now drill and replace the lock, which is quick and easy, as well as more cost effective instead of picking the lock. It is legitimate to drill these locks as it is sometimes the only way to gain access to your home if it has been locked.

A shock key is becoming a thing of the past due to the increase in burglaries as thieves have been using shock keys to get into homes and offices. Rekeying your locks requires special tools, and this will add to the price considerably.

Homeowners as well as business owners still need to be careful as there are also deceptive locksmith companies that jack up their prices when drilling these locks. Locks of this nature in which the latest technology has been used can be identified quickly and easily, since there are only two brands: Schlage and Kwikset. If you examine the Kwikset, you’ll notice that the lock has a pin hole that sits next to the main key hole.

If you examine the Schlage product, you will notice that there is a plus sign just above the keyhole. If your locks do not have any of these specified features and it has been locked, these locks do not have to be drilled and the locksmith can use impact wrenches to open the locks. However, instead of using locks that may need to be punched open with a key, you can now opt for keyless door locks which are quickly becoming popular.

By installing keyless door locks, you no longer have to worry about losing your keys or getting locked out. The locksmith will not have to use any keys or drill the lock. However, these types of locks also have their advantages and disadvantages. One of the most common disadvantages is forgetting the combination code.


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