Though there are creative variations on traditional triathlon distances (like some races that make the swim longer to appease the fish among us, or races that make the bike longer to make us feel like we’re getting the mileage we deserve). from our multi-bike thousand-dollar time trials, or races that lengthen the race to just being masochistic and cruel), there are usually 4 triathlon distances: Sprint, Olympic, Half-Ironman, and Ironman. So to help you with your preparation for the triathlon racing season, here’s a quick look at the pros and cons of each triathlon distance.


Pros: Imagine an overweight, sedentary person sitting on the couch licking Cheetos residue off their fingers. Technically, it would be possible for that person to be on the start line of a Sprint triathlon just 12 to 16 weeks later. This is because since sprint triathlon distances are short, they have a low barrier to entry and do not require extensive physical preparation. You only need to be able to swim 400-600 meters (8-12 laps in a pool), bike 10-15 miles, and run or walk 2-4 miles, and this requires continuous exercise for about 50 minutes to 2 hours. This may be difficult for some, but it is doable for most. Also, if you’re fit or experienced in triathlon and want to go faster in a sprint triathlon, it will take less time to train than longer distances, so it’s pretty rare for the sprint triathlon distance to be a family disaster. .

Cons: Sprint triathlons don’t get a lot of buzz. You may be offended when someone asks how your “Mini-Triathlon” went. And if you decide to go fast or aim for a podium spot, a sprint triathlon is going to hurt a lot. You’ll need to be in a red-hot high-intensity effort near maximum heart rate for about 2-3 times longer than a 5K run. That’s a zone that’s hard to get into for most, but the price you have to pay if you want to win or place in a Sprint triathlon distance. Another potential con for many is that you simply don’t have much time to eat during a Sprint triathlon, so those vying for access to a mobile buffet of gels and cookies will be disappointed.


Pros: As the name suggests, the Olympic distance is pretty much the same triathlon distance covered at the Olympics (1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run), so when someone ask if you did a “Mini-Triathlon”, you can answer by saying: “No, I did exactly what they do in the Olympic Games”. This will probably make you feel good on the inside, and at the same time, you won’t have to train as much as Half-Ironman and Ironman triathletes, so your spouse, kids, family, and friends won’t find you a complete stranger. If you’re a triathlon junkie, you can do a ton of Olympic distance races in a year and not be at high risk of overtraining or injury since they’re relatively short and you’ll recover quickly. Also, you can actually eat quite a bit. Bon Appetite.

Cons – At the same time, the intensity of your Olympic triathlon distance training will be much higher than Half-Ironman and Ironman triathlon. So, just like sprint triathlon, you have to be willing to go into the cave of pain much more often. If you’re out of shape, you might still be caught at an Olympic distance triathlon by your teammates, who will likely say something to the effect of, “Come on, that’s only 25% of an Ironman.” However, when you reach the 5K point of the race, you will be planning to take revenge on these fellows. And if you want to get on the podium in an Olympic distance race, be prepared to execute smoothly, as the smallest mistakes can cost you precious seconds that add up very quickly for this triathlon distance.

Half Ironman:

Pros: Congratulations, you have bragging rights for completing a triathlon distance that contains the word “Ironman” without having to give up the entire day. In fact, at many Half-Ironman events, you can finish for lunch, feel great about yourself, and still have the rest of the day to make excuses for not mowing the lawn (“C’mon, I just did an Ironman event!” ) or to go drink a lot of cold beer. If you don’t like the fiery intensity of Olympic and Sprint distance training and racing, but don’t have the time to devote to the Ironman, then this triathlon distance is a good compromise. Plus, you can travel long distances to compete in a Half-Ironman without the same kind of race-day stress you experience at Ironman. Lastly, if you make a mistake during a Half-Ironman race, like remembering to poop in the middle of the half marathon, you’ll still have plenty of time to make up those lost seconds.

Cons: With all the training and effort you’ll put into a half Ironman triathlon distance, sometimes you’ll find yourself asking the question, “Why didn’t I just sign up for an Ironman?” After all, you’re usually just as sore the next day after a Half Ironman as you are from an Ironman, and you still have to do a lot of logistical planning for the race when it comes to hydration, electrolytes, or food. Also, the “Half” part of “Half Ironman” doesn’t lend itself as well to bragging (“You only did half? How so? Did you quit halfway?”), but you’ll sound desperate. and boring trying to explain what a 70.3 is (“Well, a full Ironman is swimming 2.4 miles, biking 112 miles, running 26.2 miles, which is 140.6 miles, but what have I done… dude, wake up.”).

Iron Man:

Pros: It’s Ironman, to scream out loud. This event has been elevated to the category of tattoo worthy. You heard me? You can swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, run a marathon, and then get a tattoo and your parents will still be proud of you. Heck, your boss probably will too. Unless you’re a musician, Harley fan, or artist, in what other social situation are tattoos acceptable? Even if you skip the tattoo, you’ll have bragging rights for life, you’ll feel great about yourself, and you’ll be able to eat 4,000+ calories a day and stay slim.

Cons: Ironman is a logistical nightmare. Not only do you need to squeeze 12 to 25 hours of training into any given week, you also need to figure out how to eat and drink while moving long distances without your gut bloating like an inflated balloon or your fragile bodily sphincters screaming in anguish. . You will become best friends with your local sports medicine doctor and physical therapist, and this is not a good thing. During the actual race, you’ll go through periods that have been compared to work, a death march, and a “very dark place.” When it’s over, you may experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. You may forget what your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife is like, and your romantic moments with them may involve nothing more than you lying like a sack of potatoes on the couch while they lovingly stroke their hands through your sweaty hair. . You may need to appease them by allowing them to help you design your tattoo.

While the information above will give you a good basis for your triathlon distance decision, I cannot promise for your safety or sanity if you choose to think outside the framework of the triathlon distances outlined in this article and decide to go for a race. . like the American Triple T, which includes a Sprint triathlon, 2 Olympic Games and a half Ironman in one weekend, or a consecutive Ironman triathlon like Ultraman. Be sure to drop me a line if you’re tackling a new triathlon distance. I would love to hear your story. And be sure to check out the Rock Star Triathlete Academy, at, where you can join me for a weekly webinar to discuss your triathlon training, nutrition, and more.


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