First-time air travelers have millions of questions on their minds with even more butterflies in their stomachs. Traditionally, one would ask for the experience of air travel from family and friends who are regular air travelers. Here are things seasoned air travelers would tell you.
Your pre-boarding session begins…
Advance booking of airline tickets
You should prefer an advance reservation of the flight to avoid high-priced tickets at the last minute. You can choose a window seat by making an online reservation much earlier.
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Always provide your mobile phone number to receive airline updates. To be well prepared if the flight is delayed or cancelled.
Download your electronic ticket
Keep an offline copy of your airline ticket to avoid checking your luggage after you arrive at the security checkpoint at the airport entrance.
Arrive at the airport early
Traffic and weather are the two main factors in missing a flight. So it is better to have some time in between and arrive at the airport an hour before departure.
Keep your proof of identity intact
Domestic travel requires your proof of identity to enter the airport, while international travel requires your passport. Make sure you have it in your bag.
Carry luggage according to guidelines.
Each airline has a fixed amount of luggage weight that the passenger must carry. Weigh your bags in advance to avoid paying extra for extra kilos.

Avoid carrying prohibited items
Please read the ticket instructions carefully and make sure you do not carry any prohibited items in your bags.
Have your luggage checked
First of all, find your airline counter and check your luggage and don’t forget to collect your luggage tags.
Collect your boarding pass
Once your bags are checked in, you will get a boarding pass. Have it in hand because it will be checked before boarding.
Track exit ads
Keep track of announcements at the airport, as the announcement may be related to your flight.
Listen to the instructions of the crew.
Take a seat and listen to the instructions as the plane makes a turn for takeoff and buckle up.

Caution: In case of flight cancellation or overbooked flights, you must be aware of air passenger rights and to learn about the same, visit, the first flight cancellation service provider in India.

I hope you have a safe flight and don’t hesitate to ring a bell over your head if you need anything.


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