Note: I mentioned above “dog adoption” and not “dog purchase”. If you want to have a dog, it is advisable to adopt one rather than buy one.

Puppy mills are largely responsible for the sale of dogs. These mills are a well-kept secret of the pet trade industry.

They supply animals to pet stores and purebred enthusiasts without providing proper care, and as a result millions of animals die in animal shelters. It is common practice for puppy mills to keep animals in dirty and dirty conditions without regard for their welfare.

For example, female dogs are bred over and over again until they can no longer give birth to puppies. Then they are sold or killed. Mothers and their young often suffer from malnutrition and lack of adequate medical care.

By buying a dog, you are supporting puppy mills.

Below I will describe some reasons why dog ​​adoption is the best option to choose.

You are saving a life

Did you know Each year 2.7 million dogs and cats that could be adopted are killed. The process of euthanasia, the act or practice of killing an animal that is very sick or injured to avoid further suffering, is also used to keep the stray pet population low.

One of the main reasons these animals are euthanized is that too many pets enter shelters and too few people adopt them.

The number of animals euthanized could be greatly reduced if more people adopted pets rather than buying them. By adopting, you are saving your animal and opening shelter space for another who may need it.

You are supporting a charity

When you adopt a pet from a shelter, you help and support a non-profit organization. Supporting this type of cause ensures that homeless animals are well cared for and adopted. These organizations also benefit prospective pet owners because adopting a pet is more affordable than buying one.

You also help spread their message because people will ask you where you got your cute pet.

You’re getting better You Health

Dog adoption isn’t just about the animal, it’s about you as well.

We all know that animals like cats and dogs give us unconditional love, but what many people don’t know is that studies have found that animals are psychologically, emotionally, and physically beneficial to humans.

Caring for a companion animal can give you a sense of purpose and fulfillment in your life, and it can also reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation in all age groups.

You cannot buy love, but you can adopt a dog; which is a better option for everyone involved.

Being the most intelligent of all species, we have a responsibility towards the least intelligent creatures. I hope the reasons listed above inspire you to love and care for a dog.


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